Chapter 14 : Hey sister.

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When he came back to her cellar, Regina had a look of surprise.

"What are you doing here ? I thought we had enough talk the other night !"

"Stay calm your majesty, please. I may have some news for you."

"Oh, really ? About what ?"

He took an object from his bag. Then, Regina raised an eyebrow.

"Alright... It's a book. What do you want me to do, read it ?

"No. I want you to listen to me. I read it, in fact, I read a particular passage, where you are. And it deals with a moment of your past."

The former queen looked at him with interest.

"And then ?"

"It's about something you lived, but that you forgot because of magic. Because of your mother, and maybe that when you will remember, you will see her true face."

"What will it change exactly ?"

"You already know that your mother destroyed your life, but you still think Snow White did it. When I will give you your memories back, you will be forced to see that she didn't. Give me your hands."

Regina sighed, before accepting.

After all, maybe he wasn't wrong, and if it could help her to stop her anger against Snow White...

She could try it.

He took her hands, broke the spell Cora put on her these years ago, and for the first time since years, Regina saw again in her mind the red-headed little girl who helped her and that she used to consider as a sister.

All the memories she forgot hit her.

And Regina stopped breathing.


Mother acting like mother always does.

The die of a hope, the one that for a time, she could have what she always wanted.

Cries and screams.

And a cruel separation.

"I promise, I'll be good."

"We are sisters !"

"I will find you, I promise !"

"Actually, you won't."

And then, there had been nothing anymore.

"Zelena !" Regina finally gasped, as Rumplestiltskin released her hands.

The queen almost fell on the ground, tears appearing in her eyes, her look now both full of joy and horror.

"I had a sister, she whispered with her voice full of love and delight. No... I have a sister", she corrected, now smiling, before the truth hit her.

"You should sit down", the Sorcerer told her, seeing her legs trembling, sitting himself on a chair.

She did it, but it didn't stop her hands from trembling.

She didn't know what to think about it, well, she didn't even know what to feel about it.

Her mind was now just a mess, where the only thing she could think about was her lost sister.

"So, she did it even before I began to defy her", Regina said with bitterness.

"Do what ?"

"Stopping me from being happy. Trying to take from me all the things I wanted to have, just because it wouldn't be good for her."

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