Chapter 4 : Conversations.

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There is spoilers about the 6B.

Rumplestiltskin never liked fairies. Well, in fact, it's not true. Since they day he lost his son, he began to hate them, all of them.

Because of one.

Reul Gorn.

The Blue Fairy.

Who was someone good, most of the time. Who could be selfish or seem to be, for example when she took her wings to Tinkerbell.

(Luckily, it didn't happen, and wouldn't.)

The former Dark One's hatred made no sense, in fact, she just tried to help him. Help both of them. He had been the one who acted badly.

He was the one who made the mistake that triggered everything.

He was the one who abandoned his son.

Now, without his dark powers, and without all the voices, he could think more clearly than before, and he finally recognized that he had been wrong.

It wasn't her fault.

(Not for that, in fact.)

But he wasn't the one who came first to talk.

She did.

And it was a surprise for the sorcerer, something he didn't expect.

"Hello Rumplestiltskin."

"Reul Gorn... I didn't know you would come there."

"I have been told that something changed in you... I came here to see it by myself."

"And so... tell me Reul Gorn. What do you see now ?"

She smiled. She was the only one, with Belle and Regina who could really defy him, and he was glad now that she could be on his side.

"Someone who decided to do what should have been done centuries ago. Someone who did the right choice, and became the one he was supposed to be. Someone who has still some darkness in him, but who is fighting them. I'm proud of you Rumplestiltskin."

"Are you proud of yourself too ? He asked."

She looked at him with surprise.

"About what ?"

"Are you the one who sent me Belle ?"

"No ! Of course no, I did nothing about that !"

"Alright, I guess I can trust you."

"You changed for her, right ?"

"Yes, in fact... she changed me."

"Sure, she did. You're really different. And you still have your power, she said with surprise."

"True, but it's not my magic, it's white magic. Someone helped me about that, he said, thinking about Henry."

"Maybe, but... it's how things should be."

Rumple frowned.

"What ?"

Blue sighed.

"I have... something to tell you. A long time ago, after you were born, I met your mother. Her name was Fiona and when I met her, you were just a baby."

"You never told me anything about that."

"I couldn't. I was with Tiger Lily, who was your fairy god-mother, and we were there to tell Fiona that... you were the next Savior."

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