The Story of a Reaper- A Fireplace in the Winter

Start from the beginning

I looked down sadly, "Okay father..." I said looking to the side. Death frowned, "Well, come on! Look at the bright side! You might get to see them again" Death told me, I could see his deep blue eyes wink at me.

I smiled a little, "O-Okay..." I said, "Alright. Right now, I don't have any work, so is there any questions you want me to answer?" Death asked me as he sat on the dead grass floor. I sat down as well, crisscross apples sauce, with my hands in my lap.

"How old am I?" I asked, "Right now, you've been alive for 4 years, but I made you look like a 5 year old when you were made, so 9" Death told me, "Who is my mother?" I asked, " don't really have a mom do you...mmmhhh..." Death looked thoughtful, "Well, I do have a friend named Love, she's my favorite, so I guess she could be your mother, but don't tell her" Death told me.

I smiled, "Okay dad!" I said, "Do you have any other friends?" I asked, "MMhhh...There's Sin, Karma, Destruction, Fate, and of course Love, but that's about it, there is also Lady Luck, Wisdom,Destiny,  and Creation, but we don't talk as much, and then there's Life who hates me" Death replied, "Why does Life hate us?" I asked, "Well, I kill her creations, she made all life, all of your 'friends' so when we touch them and they die, she gets angry, because we're killing off all her hard work" Death replied.

"What other powers do I have?" I asked, "Well, you inherited my touch, your a skeleton monster, so it means you can summon bones and gaster blaster, and I gave you a small little- well...BIG gift, but that's only when your older" Death replied.

"Do I have an siblings?" I asked, "No...not yet that is...I should make you a brother, you know, to get on Life nerves...I'll think about it" Death replied.

Death pat me on the head, I smiled, even if his hands are cold, they felt warm to me, Death smiled back. "Also, how come Life was able to grab me without dying?" I asked, "Well, she's a goddess, and I'm a god, gods and goddess can touch each other since they can't die- well, we CAN die...only a god can kill a god, so, that's why she was able to touch you" Death explained.

"Is there no one else, that's not a god, that I can touch?" I asked, Death thought about it, "No, not yet that is, right now, they're still a child like you Reaper, but soon enough Fate will probably make you two meet each other" Death told me, I smiled.

"Anyways, I need to give you something, then send you somewhere for a few month before I have to go" Death said. He sat on his knees, and pulled out my soul, "What's that?" I asked, "This is your soul, as much as you don't need it, I gave it to you just for this moment, now this will tickle you, but only for a while" Death said.

Death poked my soul, as my body felt weird making me laugh, "Your so cute when you laugh" Death told me, as he stopped touching my soul, "Hehe, what's you do?" I asked still chuckling, "I just made your soul attracted to things that need to die, that's all" Death told me, "Now, I need to give you instructions" Death told me, "When you come to this AU called Birdtale, all I need you to do, is kill off as many plants as you can" Death told me, "Why?" I asked, "The population of plants is starting to become too much, understand?" Death asked me, I nodded.

"Good, now, I have some people to kill, see ya kid, OH! Also, if you see Life, call for my name, and I'll come as soon as possible okay?" Death asked me, I nodded, "Good, see ya!" Death said, as black magic surrounded him, as he disappeared.

A portal the appeared, it was snowing on the other side. Reaper put the hood of his cloak on and walked in, as the portal closed behind him.

It was winter, out on the surface, the trees didn't have leaves, and everything seemed froze. Reaper has seen snow before, 4 times actually, though he'd sleep outside instead of the den, where everyone else slept at for a long time.

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