A Demon and A Werewolf

Start from the beginning

Now slightly fuller than before, muzzle wet with blood, he prowled around the village, trying to see whether he could find more food. He managed to catch a rather old mouse, but it tipped over a tin can, making noise to alert any villagers that someone was around. He swallowed the mouse quickly, an easy feat since it was tiny compared to his large gullet.

Running away on all fours, he dashed into the thick cover of the forest. And just in time too, a brave human had light a candle and was shining it around from his bedroom window, too scared to come down to the ground. Good, he laughed to himself.

Russia moved through the trees, sometimes on all fours and sometimes on his hind legs. He didn't bother to be quiet, no other creature dared approach such a beast. He spotted a small ghost, a child that died somewhere in this forest probably, staring at him from behind a tree. He bared his fangs at it, making it squeak and disappear.

Continuing his walk, he came to a small clearing. It had a large boulder there, sometimes he came here to howl to the moon. But not today, he decided, beginning to move on.

But suddenly, he felt the area's surrounding aura grow dark, and the fur on his neck pricked upwards. His heightened instincts told him to run and hide, but he wanted to know what was happening. So Russia followed half of it, and clawed his way up a tall tree to peek from it's branches.

His boulder was literally glowing. It looked like a newly made sword, glowing hot and with tiny sparks flying out. A glowing hole broke the stone apart like melting butter, widing every second. And suddenly, it stopped. And a shadowy figure, engulfed by more flames, emerged from within it. Russia had never seen anything like it.

'A Demon.' His wolf's spirit provided. 'From Hell itself.'

The demon looked terrifying. With flames still dancing around it's body, and a thin tail with a spear-shaped end flicked from behind it left and right. Not to mention the wings. Leathery looking, with sharp horns on the tip of each one. They were currently folded up, but Russia couldn't even imagine them while open, they already looked ENORMOUS attached to the flaming demon's back.

But...all things considered, the demon wasn't exactly what he originally thought demons looked like. 'What?' It...was small. The wings were huge, magnificent things, but it's body was almost the same size as a normal human. Russia was definitely twice the demons height, and with his also huge arm span, he bet he could easily wrapped the demon in his arms.

'Now why would you want to do that?' Russia decided he could just go down and say hello, the demon didn't look very dangerous. But before he could even move a claw, a cold voice, parallel to al the flames going on, stopped him.

"Don't even move, Werewolf. I know you're there. I can smell the blood on you."

Russia quietly glupped, maybe this was a bit more than he bargained for. When he looked back through the tree branches, he nearly fell down when he saw the burning irises were fixed on his location, staring him down through all the branches.

"I-I mean no harm." Russia stammered,'Weakling human.' landing softly on the ground, with his clawed hands unhidden, showing the demon he held nothing. Nothing holy that could actually harm him anyway.

The demon looked slightly bigger when he looked at him at ground level, at least the fire surrounding him was dissipating. But his eyes still burnt with eternal flame.

"What do you want, Werewolf." He asked bluntly, his own clawed hands drumming on his thigh. He opened and closed his leathery black wings a few times, letting Russia see the dark charcoal color they were.

"I...I uhh... just wanted to say hi?" He stuttered out, his wolf ears laid back against his head and his tail poofed in embrasement, curling around his muscled leg shyly. He tried smiling, but it probably turned out more like a strained baring of his fangs.

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