"Oh mein Gott(4), what is that on your head?!" Germany suddenly yowled, making Russia get back up from the ground with fright. He quickly leaped back on the bed, only to be push back down on the plush surface with surprising force from Germany.

"Your fur!!" Germany continued yowling, getting on his hind paws to use his front toe-bean paws to poke and prod the top of the long furred cat's head. "My fur?" Russia meowed back, still unsure of what was happening above him. He could feel a few small tangles, and it was just messy, after all.

"Just messy after all?!" Germany screeched louder. Russia then realised than he probably had said then out loud. Germany finally stopped poking at the mess of fur, landing back on his four paws next to where Russia now lay flopped in the circular bed.

"You really need some help dealing with your long fur, mein liebling(5). Thankfully you have me." Germany teased, headbutting the blue shoulder lightly and leaping back up. 

Russia suppressed a small 'oof' as Germany jumped up his back, and made his way to his neck. Sitting down on the soft squishy fat and long white fur there, he made him tilt his head back slightly, and began grooming and licking the long fur.

Russia couldn't resist purring softly again. It was the same every time Germany groomed him, he would never get tired of the gentle but effective licking, massaging his skin and well as keeping his fur in relatively good shape. He could feel the small fish-hook barbs on the other's tongue, skillfully untangling the small tangles he felt before hand and getting the askew messy fur back to normal. Where, or how, he learnt to do all this, Russia never knew. But he didnt question it, only enjoyed it fully.

"You know," Germany meowed between licks. " I've always thought of your fur much like a sheep's. All fluffy and springy and white," He snickered, smiling with his tongue still out cutely. Russia laughed along with him, using the white tip of his tail to poke the small cat on his back playfully.

With a few more licks, Germany deemed Russia's fur presentable enough, and clambered back down to lay next to him. The long white fur on top of his head was back to it's normal before bed foofyness.  It was groomed forward, but licked to the side slightly to not block his vision. 

"All done. Is it good?" Germany purred, leaning affectionately on Russia's larger body. Definitely proud of himself for bringing order to all that chaos, how could Russia say no to that?

"Yeah. Thank you, Germany." Russia purred back, enjoying the closeness and giving Germany his own series of licks as thanks. Germany's soft purrs grew significantly louder in joy.

A few minutes later of just laying together, the couple decided to go find breakfast. The house was still quiet, with no signs of their caretaker. They decided to climb up the stairs and ambush them in their own sleeping bedroom once there.

"Alright, lets go, котенок(see 3)!" Russia meowed happily, jumping out of their round bed and finding his favourite cat sized ushanka. He pushed it around a bit on the ground with his head, trying to force it on his furry head. After a little while it was on, his ears poking correctly out of the custom made ear holes and his head comfortable protected.

Germany only sighed as he padded up the stairs after him. He had just groomed his fur for him, and now it was definitely messed up again under that ridiculous hat thing again. It was no surprise he was so skillful at grooming fur now. Somebody had to be to neat and tidy cat around here.


So was it okay? I didn't really spend a lot of time on it, with assignments and more activities coming back, so I just rushed stuff through whenever i had breaks. But I tried to give it my all. 

Lets just hope the next one with be better, shall we? XD

Translations (Now with help from TheDreamGirl171! :D)

(1) Good morning, my little kitten.

(2) I am not a kitten, Russia

(3) Yes, ...my kitten

(4) Oh my god

(5) my darling

Thank you all for reading again, and for voting and commenting. All of you are mean so much to me, you deserve the world 🌏🤗😍😉😀😁😁

Adios amigos!! See you all in the next oneshot and here have some love😘😘💖💖💝💝❣❣:D

P.s : is it a bit too late to mention i did most of this on my phone lol that's why its a little messy😂😆

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