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—————————| Better Understandings | —————————

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| Better Understandings |

Jungkook digs for his phone in his jean pocket as he speeds walks down the sidewalk. He didn't bother putting his hood up, so the harsh rain soaked him as he continued, trying not to slip on the wet pavement. He ignores the cracked phone screen and opens his phone to 7 missed calls from Hwan and 13 missed calls from Taehyung.

They were most likely worried sick and probably searching for him now in this weather. Well, at least maybe Hwan was.

Jungkook's finger hovers over Taehyung's phone contact, debating if he should call back him or Hwan. Jungkook ended up clicking on Hwan's phone contact; it took only three rings, and Hwan was already yelling through the phone. "Where are you?! What happened?!"

"Is my mother ok?!" Jungkook asks urgently, gripping his phone tightly. Any tighter, the phone would surely break into a million pieces. Jungkook, through the phone, heard a door open and shuffling before Hwan answered. "Yeah, she is here. My mom went to check on you guys because it was getting late. She found your mom on the sidewalk unconscious." Hwan licks his dried lips looking over at Jungkook's mom, who was sound asleep on the pallet on the wooden floor in the small shabby living room.

The Dokgo's house wasn't as big as Jungkook and his mother's house, but it did give a sweet and cozy vibe after remaining there for an extent of time. They had a decent-sized kitchen that connected to the small living room. One side of the living room wall leads into a hallway with five doors—three of them being rooms while the other was either a bathroom or a storage closet. When Jungkook stayed over, he would share a room with Hwan while his mother offered to sleep on the living room floor on a cot.

For some reason, living with them was better than just him and his mother. They were all closer than before, and they were now like family to Jungkook. Nari and Hwan's mother swaddled Mrs. Jeon in many unused blankets to keep Mrs. Jeon warm as she took care of her and Nari.

"What happened?" Hwan asks, and Jungkook sighs. "We were ambushed," Jungkook said, not leaving any room for discussion. As much as he wanted to run home to his mother to keep her company, he had to figure out something first.

"I won't be home tonight because I need to do some research on something. Take care of my mom for me; I'll be there soon." Jungkook hangs up the phone and puts it back in his pocket, ignoring the rain droplets on his phone screen before making a beeline towards the boy's grand estate.

"Where is he?!" Taehyung shouts in anger at hearing Jungkook's voicemail for the 16th time, and it was ticking him off. "He said he will be back later or tomorrow, so stop panicking, will you?" Yoongi snaps, not wanting to hear his silver-haired friend worry about something idiotic and absurd.

Taehyung dialed again, holding the phone to his ear, hearing the dreadful ringing as he waited. Yoongi's opinions on things were not helpful and not motivational, so Taehyung turned his back on him to ignore his friend's presence. Taehyung had a feeling that Jungkook would've answered his phone calls long ago and would've kept him updated, but he had a gut feeling that something was wrong, and Namjoon knew he was right.

UNIQUE BODYGUARD | Jungkook x btsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum