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————————————————| Consequences For Your Actions |————————————————

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| Consequences For Your Actions |

"How about, no!" Nari's fiery protest echoed through the room, her eyes narrowing with a mixture of disdain and defiance. With her disheveled wispy bangs framing a distinctively displeased expression, she directed her intense gaze unwaveringly at Jungkook. It was clear that she had no intentions of backing down.

On the other side of the room, Jungkook's frustration was palpable. He let out a weary sigh, the weight of his meticulously crafted plan suddenly feeling burdensome. His impatience grew with each passing moment as Nari continued to resist, refusing to budge from her position.

In a display of nervous tension, Jungkook anxiously bit his lower lip and he sense of exhaustion and exasperation in his actions was unmistakable. His frustration was rooted deeply in the clash between his carefully thought-out strategy and Nari's inflexible resistance.

Everyone had a role to play, except for Nari, Mrs. Jeon, Hana, Hwan, and the butler, who were all designated to stay in the safety of the hospital room, sheltered from the impending danger, while the others ventured out in search of the source.

Of course everyone agreed to the plan but Nari. The butler, usually a staunch supporter of any plan, would have voiced his dissent and joined the expedition, but his injuries held him captive, each step a torment that caused him to clench his teeth in silent agony.

Hana, with her expressive eyes filled with concern, closely monitored the butler's every move. Her unwavering attention was fixed on Nari and Jungkook, who were engaged in a heated verbal battle, which exuded an air of deep-seated sibling rivalry.  "Nari, now is not the time to be arguing with me about this."

Nari's eyebrows arched in mild amusement at Jungkook's remark, a fleeting chuckle escaping her lips; However, before she could formulate a response, Hana gracefully intervened, her voice emanating like a gentle, soothing breeze, diffusing the mounting tension that filled the room.

"Nari, let them go. We will help the others until their return," Hana's words resonated, encasing the room in a serene aura, like ripples calming a turbulent sea.

Hwan, with a tone of unwavering determination and a firm gaze fixed upon Jungkook, interjected abruptly. His voice cut through the atmosphere, sharp as a razor's edge, commanding attention and leaving no room for ambiguity. The billionaire and his mother found themselves ensnared in Hwan's unyielding demand, which lingered in the air like a weighty verdict awaiting compliance.

"And you will return."

"We will. I promise you that." Jungkook's resolute assurance hung in the air for a moment, a promise to return safely, before he turned and left the room, his steps echoing a sense of purpose. The billionaire boys followed in his wake, a silent yet palpable unity in their shared mission, their hearts brimming with the courage of their convictions.

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