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————————| Unique Bodyguard |————————

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| Unique Bodyguard |

The sun stood high up in the sky. The morning was peaceful, and a few birds chirping outside Jungkook's window made him stir a wake. Jungkook stretches out his body from a good night's sleep.

He had never slept that well in a long time, but he did miss the comforts of his bed at home, but the white silk sheets and the fluffy cotton comforter were like he slept on a cloud. Where did they buy such a good bed?

He rubs his eyes to clear his groggy vision before getting out of bed. He was so tired last night that he never had a chance to look at the room he slept in. The walls were painted a bright shade of white with a black accent wall littered with interviewed vines of gold. A dresser hugged the wall across from his bed, and the big mirror with other knick knacks placed around it sat on top.

Jungkook could see his morning bed hair as he stared at his reflection. He then looked at the bathroom door, which rested on his left, making him get out of bed and walk over. He flicked on the bathroom lights and was taken back by the oversized stand-up shower and bathtub right next to it.

The sink countertop was gold and black, and the walls were a pale white. He shuts off the bathroom lights walking back out into the vast room. There was a bay window with throw pillows that rounded up nicely in place and next to it had a desk with pens and pencils in a black cup holder.

"This place is something else," Jungkook said to nobody in particular as he finally decided he was hungry. He didn't eat all day yesterday, and the hunger pains were catching up to him. Not caring much about his red wrinkled-up jersey shirt and bed hair, he walks to the door.

Jungkook opened the door with the anticipation of finding the luxurious kitchen but stopped short, not expecting four boys to tumble onto the floor in a heap in front of him. Hoseok quickly stands to his feet, dusting himself off his red suit before looking at Jungkook with a guilty expression.

"Oh," Hoseok pretends to act confused when he isn't. "This isn't the kitchen, is it?" He finished scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment, staring down at the tile floor.

Jungkook crosses his arms annoyed. Are we the loitering around his room waiting for him? "No shit. Why would the kitchen be over here?!" Jungkook asks more as a statement than a question.

Jin quickly spoke up, interrupting the ongoing conversation and changing the subject. "Breakfast is ready in the kitchen if you want some." Jungkook perks up at Jin's words and turns off the lights in his room, and shoves the boys out of the way, making them bump and stumble into each other so he can grab some breakfast.

Jimin was caught off balance and was about to fall backward, potentially hitting the floor, when Taehyung reacted quickly. Taehyung's strong arms wrapped around Jimin's waist, providing support and stability, preventing him from falling. "Jesus, he has an arm." He states as they watch the young boy walk down the corridor into the big room.

UNIQUE BODYGUARD | Jungkook x btsWhere stories live. Discover now