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——————————| Motivation Is Power |——————————

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| Motivation Is Power |

"Wait!" Jungkook's desperate cry pierced through the chaos, his voice trembling with urgency as he mustered all his strength to push Jin away from him. The bullet soared with deadly intent towards Mr. Jeon.

As the cruel projectile closed in on its mark, Jungkook's father displayed a sinister smirk, a twisted expression of satisfaction dancing across his features. He was reveling in the mayhem he had orchestrated, savoring the power he held over those entangled in his malevolent web.

But just as the dreadful realization of an imminent tragedy dawned upon them, Namjoon, took a step forward. The room seemed to blur for an instant as Jungkook's father teleported into thin air. A gasp of disbelief rippled through the air as if the very fabric of reality had been challenged.

The bullet, now bereft of its intended target, continued its relentless trajectory, colliding violently with the wall. A deafening noise reverberated through the room, and the impact left a gaping hole in the surface.

Hoseok's voice trembled with urgency and concern as he called out, "Jungkook?" His wide eyes darted around, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead as he tried to make sense of the chaotic scene. The gun in his trembling hand wavered, reflecting the panic that had taken hold of him.

Jungkook, determined and resolute, rose swiftly from the ground, the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. With a steadying hand, he helped Jin to his feet.

Jimin's voice rang out with a mix of fear and frustration, his eyes frantically scanning the surroundings as he bellowed, "Where the hell did he go?!" His finger tensed on the trigger, his weapon now aimed fiercely at the front door, ready to confront any new danger head-on.

Amidst the chaos, questions echoed through the room, all trying to fathom the inexplicable abilities demonstrated by Jungkook's father. "How did he do that?!" cried Hoseok.

Before anyone could react, a sudden warning sliced through the tension like a bolt of lightning. "Behind you!" Taehyung's urgent shout carried a sharp edge, and he raised his gun, aligning it with unerring precision.

In a split second, the room became a battleground of quick decisions and desperate actions. Yoongi, the embodiment of swift instinct, spun on his heel, muscles coiled like a spring, and swung the butt of his gun at the threat behind him. Mr. Jeon materialized out of thin air, his malicious intent now evident on his malevolent countenance.

The sound of impact reverberated through the room, a bone-crunching collision as Yoongi's strike found its mark. The force of the blow met with resistance, but it bought them a moment of respite.

Yoongi's body was then abruptly lifted from the ground, a sensation of weightlessness enveloping him. Startled, he found himself carefully being maneuvered aside by the force of Jungkook's telekinetic abilities. Yoongi could feel the currents of energy swirling around him, the sensation akin to being caught in a storm of supernatural might.

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