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——————————| Secret Organization |—————————

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| Secret Organization |

"Mr. Jeon?" Namjoon calls out to the older male who stands in the living room, looking at his phone. It was early in the morning, and Namjoon woke up around the same time as Jungkook's father. It was bright outside, but the thick curtains draped over the windows kept the room dark and bruiting.

The few lamps in the room were the only source of light that lit up the place. Mr. Jeon sets his phone down on the coffee table before looking at Namjoon, who sits on the luxurious sofa.

"Yes?" "We need to talk." Namjoon gestures to the empty sofa across from him, making it clear that he could not object. Mr. Jeon takes a seat, making himself comfortable. Namjoon speaks up, not waiting for Mr. Jeon to get comfortable.

All night Namjoon's mind raced with questions and needed desperate answers. Jungkook sleeping with his arms wrapped around Namjoon's neck and Taehyung spooning Jungkook from behind got Namjoon thinking. They haven't figured out who was behind this. Who is responsible? That needed to change. Sleeping with Jungkook and his best friend made Namjoon realize how he doesn't want this moment to end.

"I know this isn't any of my business, but," Namjoon trails off as he leans forward in his seat. "I need to address the white elephant in the room." Mr. Jeon sat quietly, waiting for Namjoon to continue. He had a feeling what the question was going to be. "What exactly did you do to have Jungkook despise you so much? I know you are keeping something from him."

At that moment, the air goes cold, and goosebumps litter Namjoon's skin as Mr. Jeon leans forward in his chair, making dead eye contact with Namjoon. The expression was unreadable as Namjoon looked into his eyes. The urge to look away was strong, but Namjoon kept his ground. He wasn't leaving until he got an answer. After the intense silence, Namjoon thought Mr. Jeon wouldn't answer his question.

"I used to work at the hospital as an examiner in Seoul. I was the one who would tell the patients if they were diagnosed with anything serious or nothing at all," He pauses, running a finger on his jawline to feel the stubble before continuing. "It was a good job that paid well and helped support my family. A happy family. It was just us three." Mr. Jeon smiled at the thought.

Back then, life was easy. Coming home from work to be greeted by his wife and son felt like a lucid dream. He was so happy and lucky to be a father. The smile soon disappears from his lips as he breaks his gaze from Namjoon and to the floor. "Everything was perfect." Another pause. "Until my wife told me she was pregnant."

Mr. Jeon remembers coming home from work and seeing his wife with a massive smile on her face holding a pregnancy test. He thought it was a joke at first, but the tears leaving his wife's eyes made him realize it was true. She was pregnant with another child. Mrs. Jeon was happy, but Mr. Jeon was angry, furious, and fuming. They agreed on no more children, but she let this happen.

UNIQUE BODYGUARD | Jungkook x btsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat