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—————————————| Loved You All This Time |—————————————

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| Loved You All This Time |

"Ara," Mrs. Dokgo's soothing voice broke through the tense atmosphere, laden with concern. "Please, take a seat and take a deep breath. Jungkook will be alright." With a firm yet gentle grip, she tugged at Mrs. Jeon's arm, guiding her to an unoccupied chair adjacent to her own.

Mrs. Jeon's worried gaze wandered out of the window, her apprehension palpable. Reluctantly, she allowed herself to be led by Mrs. Dokgo, sinking hesitantly into the offered chair. The trembling of Mrs. Jeon's hands, a testament to her inner turmoil, did not escape Mrs. Dokgo's perceptive eye.

Responding to the unspoken distress, Mrs. Dokgo extended her hands, enveloping Mrs. Jeon's quivering fingers within her own warm and steady grasp.

Mrs. Jeon's gaze descended to their hands, their touch an intimate reassurance that began to thaw the icy grip of anxiety that had taken hold of her. With a mixture of empathy and understanding, Mrs. Dokgo met Mrs. Jeon's gaze, her eyes conveying a silent promise. "I—" Mrs. Jeon attempted to vocalize her thoughts, her words faltering in the face of the overwhelming emotions crowding her mind.

In the midst of Mrs. Jeon's unfinished sentence, Mrs. Dokgo intervened gently, her voice a soothing balm. "It's going to be alright," she murmured, her words carrying the weight of conviction as she attempted to quell the storm of doubt within Mrs. Jeon's heart.

"But I should've—" Mrs. Jeon's sentence hung in the air, her voice wavering, as self-blame threatened to engulf her.

Without hesitation, Mrs. Dokgo released Mrs. Jeon's hands, her touch swift yet deliberate. Cupping Mrs. Jeon's face with both hands, she directed Mrs. Jeon's gaze to meet her own. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, the sudden intimacy of the gesture leaving Mrs. Jeon momentarily speechless. Locked in that gaze, Mrs. Jeon found herself drawn into a sea of empathy.

"Stop overthinking and blaming yourself, Ara. Your a great mother that cares for her children dearly and would risk everything for them and that alone is something I admire and like about you the most."Her admission was genuine, a vulnerable confession that laid bare her true feelings.

In response, a delicate flush of color graced Mrs. Jeon's cheeks, a telltale sign of her emotions laid bare. The compliment, unexpected in its sincerity, caught her off guard, tugging at the strings of her heart.

"The kindness you and your children have shown to both me and Jungkook is beyond measure." Her voice held a touch of awe, as if struggling to find the right words to encapsulate the extent of their gestures. "I find myself at a loss, Balam," Mrs. Jeon confessed, her tone reflective, "because I don't know how repay you with the generosity you've showered upon us."

Suddenly but surely, Mrs. Dokgo's gaze dipped, her eyes briefly fixated on Mrs. Jeon's lips, a silent query hanging in the air. It was as if she sought permission, a subtle invitation to take a step further.

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