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—————————————————| Job Offer from the devil himself |—————————————————

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| Job Offer from the devil himself |

Taehyung had been feeling more uneasy. He kept receiving threatening calls from an unknown number, leaving him angry and stressed. He tried ignoring the calls, but they only kept coming, increasing in frequency and intensity.

He truly believed it was a joke from some kids or delinquents to get at them, but as the calls kept becoming threatening and severe and now his friends were receiving them too, Taehyung reached his breaking point.

It was taking a toll on his and all his friend's mental health, and he needed a solution. So, he decided to gather his friends and talk with them."This situation is more serious than I thought," Taehyung says, covering his face with his hands in stress.

Yoongi sat calmly, genuinely unbothered by the whole situation. He slept peacefully and didn't even have eye bags under his eyes like the rest of the boys. Yoongi was known among his friends as the calm and collected one. No matter what situation they faced, he always remained level-headed and composed. His friends were amazed that he never showed any sign of panic or distress.

Yoongi didn't talk much unless it was necessary. He preferred to listen and observe, only speaking up when he had something important to say or when someone's stupidity was getting out of hand. He couldn't stand people who asked dumb questions, and he made sure to call them out when needed.

Despite his quiet demeanor, Yoongi was a deep thinker and a problem solver. He often devised the best solutions to their problems, and his friends trusted his judgment. They admired his ability to remain calm in high-pressure situations and respected his intelligence.

However, his friends were starting to wonder if there was a side of Yoongi that they had never seen before. Did he ever get nervous or stressed? Did he ever panic? They couldn't imagine it, for all they saw was his calm and collected exterior.

But despite their curiosity, Yoongi never let his guard down. He remained his reserved and collected self, always quick to assess a situation and come up with a solution. His friends may never know what goes on in his mind.

Namjoon had just finished a long day of work and was feeling tired. As he sat on the luxurious red couch, letting out a big yawn and rubbing his eyes. Suddenly, he sprang to his feet and declared, "We need to do something about this. We can't let some person torment us into being unable to sleep."

His group of friends looked up at him, surprised by his sudden change in demeanor. They knew that Namjoon was not one to be easily rattled, but the situation had been weighing on him.

"What do you propose we do?" Jimin asked absentmindedly, moving a piece of his messy blonde hair out of his face. Namjoon pondered for a moment and then replied, "We need to come up with a plan to stop these threatening calls and make sure we're all safe. I'm not going to let some anonymous person control our lives."

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