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—————| The Source? |—————

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| The Source? |

Jungkook grapples with the disorienting force that jolts through his body, brutally yanking him away from the realm of his mind. Suddenly jolted into consciousness, he instinctively reached out with his hand, determined to halt the persistent shaking that is causing upheaval within him.

As Jungkook's fatigued eyelids gradually part, his bleary vision fixes upon an individual with silver hair, whose countenance is marred by creases of apprehension and restlessness. The palpable strain etched across the man's features is impossible to overlook.

"Jungkook," Taehyung's voice reverberates within the grand entrance, its tones layered with a mixture of solace and disquiet, weaving a thread of comfort through the bewildering haze that envelops him.

Taut with tension and wary anticipation, Taehyung takes measured steps closer towards Jungkook's prone form sprawled upon the floor. His fist is tightly coiled in mid-air, primed to fend off any potential threat that might emerge. Swathed in uncertainty regarding Jungkook's true identity, he hesitantly questions, "Jungkook? Are you truly yourself this time, or should I resort to another punch?"

Caught off guard by Taehyung's cautious skepticism, Jungkook's lips curl into a smirk, a simultaneous admixture of defiance and amusement. Despite the haziness clouding his mind, he effortlessly retorts, his voice laced with a playful undertone, "Give it another go, and I assure you, my retaliation will be swift and painful towards your nether regions."

Jungkook's sly, mischievous grin dances across his features, a calculated display that only serves to stoke the embers of Taehyung's ire, prompting a mirrored smirk to curl upon his own lips. "It's about time, poverty boy," Taehyung declares, his voice laced with a hint of tease and impatience.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at Taehyung knowing all well the billionaire is trying to get a reaction from him. Without hesitation, Taehyung moves swiftly, looping his arms under Jungkook's armpits, providing the much-needed support to lift him to his feet.

Jungkook, still dazed and disoriented, shakes his head in an attempt to clear his vision; However, this action results in a cascade of tousled, dark brown locks tumbling across his countenance, the unkempt strands momentarily obscuring his sight like a silken veil.

A self-directed expletive escapes Jungkook's lips, his frustration palpable as he chastises himself for this unwitting obstruction. But just as his vexation begins to take root, Taehyung's presence exudes a soothing aura, and his hand extends in a gesture both tender and assuring. With a touch that is as affectionate as it is deliberate, Taehyung brushes aside the insubordinate strands of hair, revealing Jungkook's features in their entirety once more.

"There. Now come on," Taehyung implores, his urgency unwavering. His grip tightens around Jungkook's hand, interlocking their fingers in a steadfast bond. With a swift and determined stride, Taehyung practically drags Jungkook along, their feet hastening towards their destination.

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