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"Momma!!" Frankie exclaimed as Pinocchio placed him down on the floor once they made it downstairs. "Momma, Momma, Momma!!"

"Oh, my baby!!" Michelle exclaimed as she bent down to her son's level and hugged him tightly. "Oh, you're okay, sweetie. You're alright. Momma's here."

"Momma," Frankie mumbled as he began to cry. "You're okay!!"

Michelle nodded. "I'm okay, baby. Momma's okay and so are you."

Frankie then slightly pulled away to hug his father, who had bent down next to them, and said, "Daddy!! You're here!!"

"Hey, bub!! I'm here. Thank God you're okay," David said and pressed multiple kisses to the side of his son's face.

Mikey entered the room with a broken expression on his face as he carried an unconscious Dani to the couch.

Michelle looked at her daughter's body sadly and mumbled, "Oh my sweet Dani baby."

"Now that she's unconscious...It's up to El to fight him in her mind and win," Pinocchio informed the group as he stood by Mr.W.

Frankie jumped out of his father's arms to run over to his sister and hold her hand.

Mikey closed his eyes as his jaw clenched, and a lone tear fell down his cheek. He believed Dani was strong enough to fight off Henry, but his biggest worry was that she didn't believe it herself.

Inside Dani's mind, she glared at Henry, who stood across from her with a smirk.

"Well, well, well," Henry said as he held his arms out. "Here we finally are."

"Get out of my head, Henry," Dani spat as her glare on the man hardened.

"Gladly," he said as his smirk deepened. "Right after I kill you and take over your body."

"Not a chance in hell," Dani bit back.

"Oh, I've been there before, sweetheart, and I'm not particularly fond of the idea of going back," Henry stated with a shrug.

Dani rolled her eyes. "I have had it up to here with you and your pretentious bullshit!!" she spat. "You have been obsessed with me for an entire decade!! Let it go already!!"

Henry's eyes flashed blue with a low growl. "I don't think I like your tone there, Little Red," he told her as his lips curled up to show off his canines.

"No? Well, I haven't liked you at all since the day we met, but what else is new?" Dani countered back before she changed her stance as she noticed his eyes had remained a bright blue.

"You want to fight, big boy?" she asked with an eyebrow raised before her lips curled up into a smirk. "Come and get it."

Henry growled again before he used his wolf speed to run towards Dani, who screamed as she ran towards him.

"I should be there with them," Greta stated as she paced back and forth with her arms folded. "Mikey needs me there with him...Her parents...Frankie...Why?...Why does no one ever want to include me when something happens to her?"

Not too long ago, Mikey had called the girl and updated her on everything she had missed out on. To say Greta was pissed would be an understatement.

She felt betrayed.


She couldn't understand why her best friends were so insistent on keeping her out of things when it came to either of them being in trouble. She knew they didn't do it intentionally to hurt her...but that didn't mean it still hadn't.

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