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A slight groan left Dani's mouth as she woke up on a cold, hard surface. After blinking a few times to adjust her vision, she looked around with furrowed brows and instantly took notice of the fact that she was in a field.

"What the hell? Where am I?" she mumbled while getting up from the ground.

Dani's eyes then widened in surprise as she stood up on both her feet, which made her look down to see that a cast no longer supported her right leg, and her entire body wasn't in pain anymore. A small smile graced her features as she twisted her body around.

"If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up!!" she said with a laugh while twirling herself around. "This is great!!"

Dani's joyful moment was quickly ruined as a strong metallic smell hit her nostrils, and she instantly had to fight the overwhelming urge to gag as she covered her mouth with her hand. Confusion weighed over her as she turned around to see what looked to be a red door not too far away from where she stood, and her head tilted as she examined it, finding it to be oddly familiar. With her feet seemingly having a mind of their own, Dani found herself slowly making her way to the mysterious red door.

And that time, she really did gag as the same disgusting smell in the air came back ten times stronger than before. An overwhelming sense of deja vu washed over her as she raised her hand to the knob, and the smell coming from the dark room caused her to fall back once she'd opened it as she gagged again. The sound of someone gasping from the other side of the door caused her eyes to widen before she started crawling toward the noise as her body filled with concern for whoever was in trouble.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" she questioned while getting closer to the door.

The same disgusting smell hit Dani's nostrils yet again, but she fought the urge to back away as her concern for the person on the other side grew stronger. A strange feeling in her gut appeared as she got closer to the gasping person on the other side, which immediately caused a feeling of dread to bubble up in her chest. And the dreadful feeling only grew worse as Dani's features fell in horror once she opened it to come face to face with a sight she'd never wanted to see.

There before her was the love of her life as he lay in a pool of his own blood, barely holding on as the light slowly left his eyes. The scene of it all reminded her heavily of the night she'd found Mr.B, though that time, the pain was much worse than anything she could have ever imagined. A loud cry of agony finally left Dani's mouth as she bent down towards him and cradled his body in her arms, and his blood immediately stained her clothes as she held him close.

"Mikey?!..MIKEY!!" Dani shouted while desperately trying to stop the blood that poured out of his throat.

Her crying only increased as his eyes slowly opened to meet her gaze.

"Mikey, please...please don't leave me!!" Dani cried as she continued to hold him.

Mikey gave her a soft smile before he suddenly disappeared from her arms, which caused Dani to stare down in confusion as the tears never once left her eyes.

"M..Mikey?!" she called out as her confusion only grew, and she was completely unaware of the new presence that had appeared behind her.

"Oh, don't look so heartbroken, Little Red. He wasn't that good for you anyway if you ask me," a familiar male voice taunted from behind, and her body immediately froze up with fear.


Not again..

"Oh, but of course...It is!!" he said as if he were reading her thoughts, and Dani jumped as he suddenly appeared in front of her.

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