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It had been a couple of days since Dani's visit with Henry, and things had seemed to have only grown worse around town. Of course, word had spread like fire about the girl's recent actions, and to make it simple...a lot of people were not too happy to find out. People had come to Dani's mother in a complete fit of rage to tell her how irresponsible of a parent they'd thought she was for allowing her daughter to visit him, and you could bet that Dani had some words to say to them about that.

No one talked bad about her mother and got away with it.

Since Greta and Dani both had the day off due to Mr.B going out of town with his brothers, the latter had decided to use her off day to help out her mom at her clothing shop while the former used hers to spend the day with Hans.

"Ugh, you don't know how grateful I am for you right now, Dani baby!" Michelle said to her daughter as they each carried off a box of cloth from the back room.

Dani smiled in response while walking beside her.

What was first started by Dani's grandmother Janine, Michelle had decided to take over the woman's shop after her death in her honor since she had learned to sew through the woman's teachings. It was a difficult task at first, but over time, the two had warmed up to the idea of Michelle taking over as they both thought it was a nice way to keep Janine's memory alive.

"No problem, Mom! Though I do have a slight feeling that even if I hadn't volunteered to help you out today, I still would've ended up spending my day here with you somehow," Dani said with a playful eyebrow raised.

"Ah, you know me so well!" Michelle said with a laugh.

Dani shook her head with a smile as she placed her box on the counter.

The sound of a bell ringing alerted the two of a customer, but Dani's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as it sounded as if someone had bumped into something on their way in.

Michelle sent her daughter a worried look before she called out, "Hello? Is anyone there?"

"Oh yes, sweetheart, I'm here. I'm fine!" a male voice called out to them, followed by another...and another.

"As am I!"

"And I as well!"

The duo's looks of confusion and concern quickly turned into looks of amusement once they realized just who the voices had belonged to.

"I do believe that it was only I who had bumped into the lamp."

"Well, you can never be too sure, brother."

"Yes, but-"

"Good morning, Mr.Philip! Mr.Jeffrey, Mr.Gordon! How are you all today?" Michelle asked as she and Dani made their way to the front.

The three tan male mice stopped their bickering and turned their heads at the sound of Michelle's voice with a smile.

"Hello, Mrs.Richards!!" they all called out at once.

"Good Morning, sirs!!" Dani greeted them as she found them to be very adorable despite them being quite older than both she and her mother.

"Oh, goodness me! Is that you, dear Daniella?!" Mr. Gordon asked.

Dani nodded before catching herself and clearing her throat as she said, "Yes, it is Mr.Gordon. How do you do?"

"Oh, good heavens! Look how tall you've gotten!" Mr.Gordon exclaimed, and Dani's eyebrow raised in slight confusion at his words.

"But I thought- ow!" she began to say before feeling a hard knock on her shoulder, which caused her to rub it as she gave her mother, who gave her a pointed look, a pout.

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