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It had been a few hours since Mikey had left, and with every second that passed by, Dani felt worse for the way she had reacted.

He was worried about her. Scared because of her, and instead of comforting him like she should have, she pushed him away and blew up for no reason. And the worst part of it all? Dani didn't even know why she had blown up at him the way she had.

Of course, she knew it had been wrong of her to go after Henry by herself. Mikey was right. She had been a hypocrite for going after Henry after telling everyone else not to. She'd done everything Mr.B had taught them not to do, and it nearly cost her her life.

"And he'd waited so long to get you back," Dani mumbled to herself. "God, you're an idiot, Dani."

What if she'd really messed things up? Just the thought of Mikey wanting to end things between them made her want to vomit as she placed her face into her hands and sat back with a sigh.

"Okay, ow!" she immediately said as something sharp poked her in the back, and she frowned as she turned around to see what it was. "What the?"

Her eyebrows were furrowed as she rubbed her fingers over her name on the front of the letter before she realized just who the handwriting had belonged to and widened her eyes.


"Um, you mind telling me why Mikey is out in the waiting room looking like someone just ran over his cat?" Greta's voice filled the room, which made Dani jump as she turned to face her while quickly placing the letter behind her back.

Greta then narrowed her eyes as she caught the action and asked, "What was that?"

"Nothing. It was nothing...and we had a fight," Dani stuttered out, but the last part hadn't seemed to register in Greta's mind yet as she folded her arms and poked her hip out in attitude.

"It didn't look like it was- wait what? You guys had a fight?!" she started to say before asking as her eyes widened.

Dani let out a silent breath of relief, knowing she had successfully dodged the topic of the mysterious letter before she frowned and nodded as she thought back to her argument with her boyfriend.

"Yeah," she mumbled and crossed her arms.

Greta sighed as she made her way over to the bed. "The last time you two argued...or at least you were about to...It was about Henry, and he's gone now, so what could you two possibly have to argue about?!" she questioned as she sat down beside her friend.

Dani frowned and said, "I don't even know, G. One minute he was crying about me dying, and the next, we were having a screaming match about why I went after Henry."

Greta sighed again as she rubbed Dani's shoulders. "So this was about Henry again...rotten bastard," she muttered, which made Dani's eyebrows raise. "I hate to tell you this, D...but Mikey's right."

Dani's eyebrows furrowed as she gave the blonde a look of disbelief. "I'm sorry, what?! You don't even know what he said!" she exclaimed while throwing her arms up.

Greta shrugged. "Sorry not sorry, but I sort of sensed something was going on with you the second Henry got released from prison," she said. "So I know you were trying to justify you going after him like an idiot...Which by the way? You were a total hypocrite for doing so."

Dani scoffed and folded her arms. "Now you sound just like him," she muttered. "Let me guess. You're going to badger me into telling you why I went after him in the first place? Been there, done that, not going to tell you what you want to hear."

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