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Mr.B had finally returned from his trip with his brothers, so Greta and Dani were back at work. With the rush of the lunch hour over and completed with, the girls found themselves with a moment of leisure as they waited for a new customer to enter the bakery.

For Greta, that strictly meant that it was time to gossip.

"Hey! I heard someone threw hands at Little Miss Susie Sunshine because Susie said something about her mother...please tell me it was you!!" the blonde said with a look that Dani had assumed to be her attempt at puppy dog eyes.

"Uhh," she mumbled with furrowed brows.

Greta's eyes widened as her lips turned up into a wide smile. "Oh my God, it was you!! Oh my...Oh! I'm not crying, you're crying, shut up, I am not crying!!" she exclaimed as she shook Dani's arm in excitement and hopped on her feet.

In Dani's eyes, she looked like a kid who had just been told they were going to the candy store.

"I didn't say you were crying, G...and stop acting like that! It's not a big deal," Dani told her with a shake of her head as she continued to wipe down the counters.

"Wha-Not a big deal?! Are you kidding me?! Dani, this is a huge deal!! MY BEST FRIEND GOT INTO A FIGHT!! Oh, I feel like such a proud mother," she shouted and wiped at a fake tear.

"You are such a horrible influence on me," Dani said with a playful shake of her head.

"Yeah, I know," Greta said with a shrug before they both started laughing as the sound of a bell ringing filled the bakery.

"Well, hello there, ladies!" a raspy female voice called out as she walked up to the counter.

Greta tensed up at the sound, which made Dani frown as she turned her head to her.

"Please tell me that's not who I think it is," Greta whispered.

Dani's frown deepened before she scowled as the person spoke again.

"Oh don't be like that, baby. You know you still love me," Goldi said with a smirk on her face, and it took everything in Dani to not jump over the counter.

"What do you want, Locks?" Dani spat, not at all in the mood for the girl's little games.

The playful look on Goldi's face turned into one of disgust as she turned her head towards Dani and spat, "Nothing from you, Richards...But since you asked, I will take a cinnamon latte with two pumps of vanilla."

Dani clenched her jaw and blew out her nose before giving the girl a forced smile as she began to say, "Coming right-"

"Uh, no. I don't want you to make it," Goldi cut her off, which made Dani scoff.

Goldi then turned to Greta with a flirty look in her eyes as she said, "I want my Greta baby to make it...You still know how I like it, don't you, GiGi?"

Dani fake gagged at the flirty look in her eyes.

Greta clenched her jaw and muttered, "The only thing I'm going to do for you is kick your-"

"Here you are, Miss Goldi! Hope you have a lovely day!" Mr.B suddenly butted in as he handed Goldi her order and gave his workers a stern look before going back to the kitchen.

"Thank you, Mr.B!" Goldi said with a fake smile before it was replaced by a wink and an air kiss towards Greta as she turned around to walk out of the bakery.

Dani smacked Greta on her shoulder as she caught the blonde watching her ex-girlfriend walk away, in which she mouthed out: I was melting her with my eyes!

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