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It had been a few days since Mikey and Dani's separation, and to say that she was still upset would be a bit of an understatement. The girl could barely sleep at night and would spend the majority of the day staring out the window. Her parents, Frankie, and Greta had all tried numerous ways to make her happy, but it just wouldn't happen. Dani had never imagined herself as one of those girls whose happiness depended on a guy —especially since it hadn't been the first time they'd been apart— but being away from Mikey after everything they'd been through had just felt...wrong. As cliché as it may have sounded, it felt like a part of Dani's soul was missing, and she wouldn't get it back until she was with Mikey again. She understood fully why he had gotten so upset about her not telling him who the letter was from, and though she had tried to apologize, he had turned to ignoring her completely, which hurt even more.

With a groan, Dani pushed away her breakfast tray as her appetite had disappeared entirely with the thoughts of her relationship problems. Turning her head to look out the window, she sighed as she saw that the outside world was just a reflection of how she had been feeling.

"You said you'd never leave me," she mumbled as her gaze had moved down to the ring on her finger. "You promised me."

A quiet sob left her mouth as tears formed in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry...I need you here with me, I'm sorry," she said as the tears silently fell down her cheeks.

How pathetic, she scowled at the negative voice in her head, You're the one who didn't want to tell Mikey about the letter. You wanted to be all big and bad? This is what you get for it.

"I just wanted to figure it out for myself before bringing anyone else into it," Dani mumbled with a sniff. "Miss Jackie said it was from...him. I may not like him too much, but I don't think he'd hurt me."

And that's your problem. You don't think before you act. Didn't you just come back to life from getting murdered by a wolf? Honestly, if you only came back to start trouble again, you should've just stayed dead. Mikey is much better off without you.

More tears formed in Dani's eyes as she said, "Everyone would be much better off without me, wouldn't they?"

Now you're getting it.

Dani shook her head. "I can't do that. Not to Frankie....He needs me, and I need him."

Do you really if you're trying to leave him again? What if the letter is a trick from somebody who's trying to hurt you? That's exactly what Mikey was trying to get you to understand.

"He wouldn't hurt me," Dani said through gritted teeth. "He wouldn't. I know he wouldn't."

He left you when you were three, Dani. And he hasn't seen you since you were fourteen. He's already hurt you...Remember the wedding?

Dani clenched her jaw. "He can't hate me...He can't, he's...he's my dad," she mumbled.

And David's your dad too...Has he ever made you feel like the unwanted child because you're not really his? She sure did, and Trevor never even bothered to defend you did he? It's all a trap, Dani. Which means Mikey was right, and once it all comes to light, he's going to leave you forever.

"No," Dani mumbled with a sob. "No, he-...Mikey loves me! He does, he promised he wouldn't leave!"

But where is he now?

Before she could answer, the sound of the door opening caused Dani to jump and quickly wipe at her face as David walked into the room, and he sighed as he instantly caught the action.

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