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Seeing that she was still stressed out by recent events, David and Dani had decided that they would still keep their new worry between them and away from Dani's mother. Though they still hadn't figured out just exactly who could've attacked David, the factor hadn't stopped them from trying to figure it out. In the midst of them trying to solve one mystery, Dani had ended up coming clean about her strange encounter with Officer Swan, and though David had gotten angry about it, in the end, she was only told to keep as far away from the officer as possible...Which wouldn't be that much of a problem since Dani had already started doing so on her own.

Since Michelle had given herself the day off to look after Frankie, who was still on edge about being left without either one of his family members by his side, Dani had taken the liberty of going back to work after receiving the OK from Dr.S that she could do so. Much to Dani's dismay, however, Mr.B had forced her on cash register duty so that she wouldn't put any unneeded extra pressure on her still-healing wound. Since it was that odd hour between breakfast and lunch, the girls had a little spare time to themselves before people came rushing in.

"Boy, am I glad to have you back around!" Greta exclaimed as she hopped up onto the counter.

Dani laughed at her dramatics. "It feels good to be back, G. You don't know how tired I was of watching Sesame Street every day," she told the blonde with a groan and rolled her eyes.

"Still sounds better than being here," Greta replied with a faux look of disgust.

"You know, that's some pretty low dissing about the place that helps get your bills paid on time," Mr.B said as he looked at the girls, or, more specifically, Greta, from the kitchen window with a stern brow raised.

Dani stifled a laugh at Greta's reddened face and gave the blonde an innocent look as she glared at her before clearing her throat.

"All jokes, Mr.B! You know I love you and this place!!" she said with a fake smile, though it was clear she had felt embarrassed about getting caught.

"Yeah, yeah,'s good to have you back here, Dani," Mr.B replied to Greta before smiling at his goddaughter.

"Good to be back, Mr.B," Dani told him with a smile and watched as he turned back around to go further into the kitchen before she laughed at what had happened.

"Ow!" she then exclaimed and rubbed her arm where Greta had punched it. "That hurt, G!"

Greta rolled her eyes, not at all sorry for her actions as she said, "Oh please. Way to throw me under the bus, Ms. Kiss-"

She frowned as a bell cut her off, and they both looked over to see who had walked in, which immediately caused their faces to fall. Dani's blood ran cold, and she could feel her body freezing up as the wolf walked over to them with a smirk on his features. Greta quickly took a protective step in front of her friend and placed a comforting hand over hers as Dani slightly relaxed under the blonde's touch.

"Well, good afternoon, ladies. What a surprise it is to see you here," Henry mocked as he stopped at the counter.

Greta scoffed and said, "What a surprise to see us at the Bakery where we work?"

Dani watched in apprehension as Henry's eyes sparkled with amusement, and she squeezed Greta's hand out of pure fear as he leaned in closer to her, but the blonde showed no signs of being scared.

"I like your sass there, blondie. You've got a certain spark to makes you very attractive if I do say so myself," he flirted, which made Greta gag.

"The only thing you should be attracted to is a tube of toothpaste!!" she exclaimed while turning her face away.

Dani braced herself for Henry's next actions but frowned in confusion when all he did was lean back with a laugh.

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