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"Run the World(Girls)" blasted through each of Dani's ears from her earbuds as her legs burned with each step she took throughout StoryBrooke. She had decided to wake up a little earlier than usual so that she could go for a run before work just to get some extra adrenaline pumping in her veins. Since her ankle had felt like it was practically back to normal, it was in perfect timing to do so.

Most of the night had been spent tossing and turning in her bed due to thoughts of Henry that had replayed in her mind, and the sudden feeling of worry Dani had felt for David hadn't elevated her mood either. It probably meant nothing, but ever since her mother had told her he'd left town on a job assignment, Dani had had this unsettling feeling of anxiety building up in her chest. Of course, David had been on job assignments out of town before, but they kind of slowed down for him after the birth of Frankie. This was the first one he'd been on in five years, and with Henry being released from prison, Dani had been pushed a little farther over the edge.

A loud gasp of shock cut off the girl's thoughts as she suddenly bumped into a hard body that caused her to fall back. Before she could completely fall to the ground, however, her body was stopped as the person she'd bumped into held her by the arms.

"Easy there, Little should really watch where you're going," a male voice said.

Dani instantly recoiled back with a scowl as the voice registered in her mind. "Ew, what the he-"

"I do believe the term you're looking for is Thank you," Henry mocked with an ugly smile.

Dani rolled her eyes and said, "Whatever...What are you even doing here?"

Henry raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Being civil now, are we? I thought I'd never see the day!"

Dani rolled her eyes again.

"Little Red, if you continue to roll your eyes like that, they may just become stuck in the back of your head."

Henry then sighed as he received a raised eyebrow in response. "What? Can I not tell a joke now?"

"Oh, you can...just not to me. Now get out of my way," Dani said and tried to walk around him, and another gasp left her mouth as she was instantly stopped by a hand that grabbed onto her arm.

"I don't believe I was done talking to you, Little Red," Henry said in a darkened tone as he leaned closer towards her.

Slight fear washed over Dani's features before it was replaced by anger. "Yeah? And what are you going to do about it, huh?" she asked while looking up at him.

Henry narrowed his eyes as she then said, "Kill me? In front of all these witnesses?"

The wolf's eyes twitched before he looked around to see that, sure enough, there were bystanders all around them.

"I mean, surely you wouldn't be able to kill all of these people without someone managing to call the cops, right?" Dani further questioned, which caused him to look back down at her. "You play a good game Henry, but you and I both know that you'd rather die than spend another night in prison."

Dani's heart jumped as she heard him growl before he narrowed his eyes at her.

"This sudden confidence you have, while surely attractive, is not a road you want to go down with me, Little Red," Henry threatened in a low tone.

"No?" Dani asked with a tilt of her head.

Her features then darkened as she leaned up towards him and said, "Well, consider me a daredevil."

Henry's lip curled with another low growl as Dani yanked her arm out of his grip and continued on her run, fully aware of the threatening stare on her body as she did so.

Little RedWhere stories live. Discover now