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"The last time we were here, you told me about your troubles between your best friend Greta and boyfriend Mikey...Any updates on either of the two?"

An involuntary smile curved upon Dani's lips at the mention of her best friend as her mind went back to the conversation she had in her bedroom.

"By the expression currently covering your face, I'm going to take a wild guess and say you've made up with someone?" Mrs.Locks further questioned.

Dani nodded. "Yeah, um...A little while after the dinner incident last night...Greta um...she actually called me," she said as a small frown quickly appeared at the reason why she had received the call.

Dani sighed blissfully as she plopped down onto her bed and relaxed into the mattress with a smile curving on her lips as she sank further into her warm comforter.

The loud blaring of her cell phone ruined her peaceful silence, which caused an irritated groan to escape the girl's lips as she fluttered her eyes open. With a huff, Dani sat up and reached over to grab her phone off the nightstand. Her eyes widened in shock at the sight of the name that appeared on the screen, and the picture of the two girls from when they first started their jobs at Mr.B's Bakery appearing behind it sent tears to her eyes. Letting out a breath, Dani slid her finger over the green button and raised the phone to her ears.

"She had a nightmare...She's had them since...since what happened with her and Hans.."


The sound of her best friend's voice immediately sent Dani into worry as she furrowed her brows and said, "Greta?... Greta, what's wrong?"

"D-Dani...I can't-... I had a-...Please, help me!!" Greta stuttered into the phone, which quickly sent Dani into a state of panic as she began to get up from the bed.

"Okay...Okay, I'm coming okay, Greta? Just hang on, I'm on my way!!" she reassured her best friend as she quickly opened the door to the hallway.

"As soon as I heard her voice over the phone, our fight had completely left my mind...The only thing I cared about was getting over to her."

"Greta?!...Greta?!" Dani shouted as she rushed into the front room.

The entire house was covered in darkness except for a light that shone underneath a closed bedroom door, and Dani quickly realized that the door led to Greta's father's room since she had deemed it her safe place years ago. Without a second thought, Dani took off down the hall using the small light as guidance, though she hadn't really needed it as she had already known her way through the house like the back of her hand.

As soon as she opened the door, she was met with the sight of her best friend curled up on the bed with her head in between her knees. At the sound of the door being opened, Greta slowly looked up and let out a sob at the sight of her best friend, and Dani's heart instantly broke at the sound of it.


Her words were quickly cut off as the blonde hopped off the bed and ran towards her, and her arms immediately wrapped around her sister, who cried into her shoulder.

"Dani," she sobbed as she buried her head into her shoulder.

Dani closed her eyes. "Shh, shh, I'm here. I'm right here, Greta, okay?" she reassured the girl as they both slowly lowered down to the floor.

"What was it about, G? What happened?" Dani softly asked after a few minutes had passed.

Greta sniffed before shaking her head. "It was...It was Hans...and...and the witch...She...She ki-"

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