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"In the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost.."

The feeling of something wet hitting her face caused Dani's eyebrows to furrow before her eyes shot open with a gasp. Fire erupted in her throat as a hand flew to her chest, and she started to cough.



Multiple voices called out before her entire being relaxed as a familiar pair of arms wrapped themselves around her to help her sit up on the bed. As soon as her body was lifted, Dani immediately gagged before a bucket was brought in front of her so she could empty the contents of her stomach into it.

"That is so gross," she said once she felt like she was done and pushed the bucket away. "Why do I keep doing that?! Ew!!"

"You're such a big baby," Mikey said with a playful smirk as he wiped her mouth once again. "How are you feeling?"

Dani narrowed her eyes and said, "I don't appreciate your mocking, mister," before shrugging her shoulders, "And I feel fine."

"You do?" he asked with furrowed brows.

A frown curved on her lips as she immediately detected the worry in his tone before her attention was brought to her brother as he threw himself into her lap.

"Ellie!!" Frankie exclaimed with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her.

Dani smiled as she hugged him back and said, "Hi, Bubba!"

She then looked up and frowned at the mirrored expressions in the room.

"Did a puppy die? Why are you all staring at me like that?" she asked, feeling slightly creeped out by all the extra attention on her.

"You're okay again!!" Frankie said in an extremely happy tone that caused her eyebrows to furrow.

"Of course I am, bud...Why wouldn't I be? All I did was pass out," she said with a shrug. "Maybe I should have tried to eat something else after all."

The change of atmosphere in the room was immediate, which caused Dani's eyebrows to rise as her gaze moved around the room until curiosity filled her features as it landed on a new face in the group.

"Mr.W?" she asked with a tilt of her head.

A slight pang of guilt filled her heart as she realized she hadn't seen him since Mr.B's funeral. Though Mr.B had been her Godfather, Dani still shared a close relationship with all three brothers. Maybe not as close as her one with Mr.B...but, they were still close enough for her to visit them every now and then.

Mr.W sent the girl a small smile as he said, "Hello there, Dani Dear. It's good to see you awake."

"Hi...Um...I don't mean to sound rude...but what are you doing here?" she asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Dans," Mikey said, which caused her to avert her attention towards him. "What do you remember before you passed out, babe?"

Dani's eyes narrowed as she tilted her head in thought. What did she remember before passing out?

"Um...I remember you freaking out because you thought I was pregnant...but I also remember Greta being there, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't at John's house with us, right?" she mumbled before shaking her head. "I'm not really's like everything is all jumbled up. Nothing's really clear."

A frown then made its way onto her lips as she could see the unhappiness in everyone's eyes at her answer.

"What's with the pouty faces?" she asked before turning her head towards Frankie with wide eyes. "Oh my God, I need a mint!"

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