Oh sod off, Henry said, They're all fine. Just having a little nap.

Dani narrowed her eyes before breathing out in relief as she looked back down to check Jack's pulse and felt that it was still normal. "I'm going to make this okay again, Jack. I promise," she told him softly and kissed his cheek.

With a deep breath, Dani slowly rose from the ground and began to walk the trail towards her home.

As fast as she could, she limped her way through the forest as her hand dug into her pocket to take out her phone that she had grabbed from John's cruiser since he had left with Mikey.

Pulling up the contact, Dani pressed call and raised it to her ear. "Chio!! It's me, El! I stopped Alice in time, but she told me that it wasn't going to stop him!! She said something about him having another plan, and I'm scared he's going to go after Frankie-"

A shaky breath left her mouth as her body suddenly felt weakened entirely, and her breathing slowed down as she placed a hand over her heart while leaning against a tree.

"What...What the hell?" she questioned as her vision started to blur. "Oh, God..."

Her attempt at picking herself back up had ultimately failed as she instantly stumbled on her feet.

"No...no, no, no, no, Dani," she whispered as she forced her body to start moving again. "You have to get to Frankie...You have to...You have to.."

The words repeatedly left Dani's mouth in a whisper as she stumbled through the woods.

And a breath of relief flowed past her lips as she could faintly make out a light coming from up ahead that signified she was close to home.

"Come on, Dani...Come on," she encouraged herself as she pushed her body to go farther.

A soft groan left her mouth as her body hit the side of the house while she fought the urge to pass out.

"El?!" a male voice suddenly called out, and Dani squinted her eyes to see a tall figure as it made its way towards her. "El...El, are you alright?!"

Finally realizing who it was, she threw herself into her brother's arms as her eyelids began to grow heavy.

"Chio?... I feel sleepy," the girl mumbled to him as she felt her body being lifted.

"No, no, no, El, stay awake!! You have to stay awake, okay?!" Pinocchio said, but to Dani's ears, he had sounded completely far away.

"I know...I know, I just...I'm going to...take a little nap," the girl mumbled before everything around her went dark.

"No, no, no, Hey...Hey El, wake up for me!!" Pinocchio begged as he lightly tried to shake his sister awake to no avail.

"Damn it!!" he then groaned in defeat.

As Dani was going after Alice, Pinocchio had left to retrieve a book he had forgotten at home when his father had suddenly appeared beside him in his car and informed him that in order for evil spirits to gain access back to the real world, they'd have to fight the soul who owned the body and defeat them to gain full control and bring themselves completely back to life. Since Henry had already made it clear who he had wanted to inhabit, Pinocchio had quickly turned his car around to go after Dani. Though his actions seemed to have come too late as she was already showing signs of losing control over her body.

With a heavy sigh, Pinocchio carried his sister's unconscious body to the front door of her house.

Upstairs, Michelle worriedly paced out in the hallway as she tried to reach her husband again. The man had gone out to get their daughter, but it had been almost an hour since he had done so, which made her worry as John had called her and told her the police had shown up to Janine's place, and he had never mentioned David's name.

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