110. Calum Imagine. ' Something You Need. '

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110. Calum Imagine. ' Something You Need. '

You never thought that he would end up something you needed, he was your best friend but then ended up meaning a whole lot more to you than he did before.

Based on Against the Current's song called Something You Need.

"That night I still remember, it was warm in the middle of summer. Your voice like a lullaby, so low, so sweet. Thought you had me but I'd never been so free,"

The worst thing about summer was the warm, summer heat that you had to overcome every single day. Since the AC was broken, you usually spent your days over at your best friend's house instead, Calum didn't really mind that you chose to spend the day at his house.

Calum has been your best friend since your family decided to move to the suburbs of Sydney, a place unfamiliar to where you grew up in. You were just a mere child back then, you were actually the shy type of person - you tried to make friends with the kids in your new school but none of them talked to you.

Calum was your only friend, even if you only saw each other outside school. You became playmates and one thing led to another, you two grew up to be best friends and now you still are.

Sometimes, you would stay over for the night at Calum's house simply because you get too lazy to get up and leave, plus it was comforting being in your best friend's arms when you slept at night.

Tonight was one of those nights, you were enveloped by your best friend's warmth, his arms wrapped securely around your body as you listened to him sing a soft lullaby into your ears. He sang your favorite Maroon 5 song in your ear softly, with you smiling every now and then when you felt his hot breath fan against your skin.

You loved it when Calum sang you to sleep, it was your favorite thing about sleeping over and the way he would graze his thumb on your skin every now and then was comforting, you don't feel any safer than being wrapped up in Calum's arms.

You were slowly drifting off into a deep sleep, but not until you felt Calum curse under his breath right before you lost consciousness. "Shit. I think I love you." Your eyes opened at the sudden confession, jolting up into a sitting position, shocked about the words that had just left his lips.

"Now you're scared but you don't know why. You keep running but there's nowhere to hide,"

Six days. It's been six days since Calum admitted to himself that he was in love with you. He just blurted it out without thinking, assuming that you were already asleep but not quite.

Calum kept apologizing over and over, swearing every now and then for just blurting that out of nowhere. You were taken aback by those words, slightly confused as you never thought that your best friend would fall for you, of all people.

You thought that this only happened in the movies - when a girl and guy are best friends for years, one of them was bound to fall for the other. You didn't believe in any of the movies, they weren't real after all and were just stories made up by people using their imagination.

You've never really thought of the possibility of Calum falling for you, and the possibility of you falling for Calum at all. You've never been attracted to Calum ever, but something might have changed after that day.

You found yourself thinking about him a lot more than usual, worrying about him as he never bothered to text nor call, and whenever you would come over their house to talk to him, he was out or he wouldn't let you in.

You wanted to talk to him about it, you wanted to discuss your feelings for one another but he just wouldn't let you. You were convinced that he was scared, although you weren't sure what he was so scared of. He shouldn't be afraid of you, you were as harmless as a fly and wouldn't bite at all.

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