115. You Tell Him You're Pregnant And He Gets Angry.

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Preference 115. You Tell Him You're Pregnant And He Gets Angry.

Michael - You paced the bathroom, all three sticks reading positive as you were nervous but also excited. Nervous because you didn't know how Michael would react and excited because you were finally pregnant! Just as you timed, a door shut downstairs. "Babe i'm home." Your heart started to race as you held the sticks, hearing his footsteps getting closer. "Y/N?" "Yeah, i'm uh, in here." "Well come here and give me a kiss." You smiled halfheartedly, unlocking the door as he stood there with his arms open. You held him tightly, before standing on your tip toes and giving him a lingering kiss. He went to pull back, but you held on longer, until your chest started to burn. He pulled back, smiling as you put your hands behind your back quick, him not noticing the tests. "Did you miss me that much?" He asked, chuckling as you only nodded, not looking up. "Y/N, I know that look." You looked up, your under eye circles heavy as you stared at him. "What look? I don't have a look." "Yes you do, it's the look when you're hiding something from me. What's going on?" You sighed, nodding to the bed as he sat down, you standing between his legs. His hands rested on the back of your thighs as you started to cry. "Baby, what's wrong?" You shakily held out your hand as he stared at the three tests, his hands falling from your thighs as he took them. "I'm pregnant, Michael." You took a step back as his jaw moved, an angry look on his face as he looked at you. "This is all your fault." He said, shaking his head as he threw them away. "W-What? You're not h-happy?" "How could this be happening? I'm only 18! It's your fault, you didn't want to use a condom and I was stupid enough to say we didn't have to." He tugged at his hair, pacing as tears poured from your eyes. "Why aren't you happy for me? For us?" "Because I can't have a baby right now, Y/N! That's why i'm not happy, that's why i'm angry." "Michael, please lower your voice." "God dammit!" He walked out, slamming the door behind him as he left, leaving you all alone. You started whimpering, which soon turned into sobbing as you laid in the bed, scared he might not come back.

Luke - "Two waters please." Luke said, as you started to dig in your purse. Every night a month, you and Luke would go to a fancy dinner and tonight, you decided to tell him. You were already a week pregnant, and he has yet to know. It has been eating you alive, you've told his family and your family, even his mates, but not him. "Did you hear me, babe?" You shook your head, smiling weakly as he reached across the table, holding out his hand to you. "Is everything fine? You've been acting a little distant the past week." You put your free hand in his, as you nodded weakly. "Everything's fine." He was only 17, how could you tell him he was going to be a dad, especially when his career was sky rocketing right now. "Y/N, you're quiet. That means you're either mad or thinking. Tell me what's wrong?" You started to raise your other hand when the waiter brought over your drinks. "Ready to order?" "Give us a sec." He nodded, walking away as Luke looked back at you. You raised your hand, setting it on the table as he took his hand away from yours. "I'm one week pregnant." He took the stick, examining it as he put it back down. "Oh." You sat up straighter, "I tell you i'm pregnant and all you say is oh?" He nodded and put his hand over his mouth. "Who knows?" "Your family, my family and the boys." "God dammit and you didn't tell me first?" He started to raise his voice and you tried shushing him. "I wanted to surprise you." "Well it worked. I'm only 17, I can't raise a baby." "We can do this, together, please." He stood, the waiter standing by as Luke took one last look at you, before leaving. You put your head down, sobbing quietly as he tapped your shoulder. "Do you want to order?" "No, i'll just take the check."

Ashton - You sighed, regretting even taking the damn test anyways. You've been sick for about a week now, throwing up every morning and feeling fatigued. You went to the doctor, him revealing you were pregnant. You dreaded to tell Ashton, thinking his reaction would be a lot worse than you hoped. You made his favorite dinner, with a salad on the side. You put baby carrots, baby tomatoes, baby cucumbers and baby onions, hoping he would get the memo. Just as you set the table, the door opened, as he threw down his coat. "Hi babe! I cooked for you." He nodded, grabbing a plate as he slapped his food down on it. You hated when he came home mad, he would always give you the silent treatment and not talk until the next morning. You two sat at the table in silence, you debating whether you should tell him or not. "Why is everything in this salad tiny?" He asked, taking a bite of it as he looked at you. "Baby things!" You giggled nervously, as he shrugged. "Did you go to the doctor?" Yep, it's time. "Yeah, I did." He nodded for you to continue. "Well?" You cleared your throat, before your eyes began watering. "I-I'm pregnant, Ash." He stopped chewing, wiping his mouth as he looked down at his plate. "Ash?" "How long?" "One week." He gritted his teeth, slamming his fist down on the table as you jumped. "How stupid can you be?" "Excuse me?" "You said you were on birth control, I didn't use a condom and you didn't take the pill?" "I didn't do it on purpose!" "Oh yes you did! You wanted to ruin my life on purpose." "Ashton I," "Save it." He stood, his chair scraping the floor as he went outside to his little hangout, slamming the door as he did so. You put your head in your hands, beginning to sob.

Calum - You looked at yourself in the mirror, unimpressed by your sleepy appearance as you didn't sleep at all last night. You had been feeling a little sick after you and Calum had sex the other night and you took a pregnancy test, seeing if you really were. Turns to find out you were, every stick you peed on testing positive. So last night you paced and paced and paced until the ass crack of dawn. You could probably see your footprints on the floor if you looked carefully. You left the bathroom, seeing the guys standing there as they were getting pumped for the show. "Now or never." You whispered, walking up to Calum and tapping him on the shoulder. "Hey babe?" "Can we talk for a minute?" He nodded, the boys wolf whistling as you pulled him into the dressing room. "If you're horny, why didn't you tell me?" He growled, beginning to take his guitar off as you shook your head, stopping him. "That's not it." He nodded, sniffling as you looked up at him. "Then what is it?" You sighed, holding his hand as he cocked his head in confusion. "Do you remember the other night? When you got me from the airport?" He chuckled, "If you're talking about the best sex we've ever had then yes." "No, because i'm pregnant." He stopped laughing, as you dropped his hand. "You're seriously pregnant?" You nodded, and sighed. "Wow." You started to smile as he shook his head. "I'm so stupid." Your smile faded as he shook his head. "Calum," "No don't talk to me. You ruined my life, Y/N." "You are apart of this just as much as I am!" "You said you were on birth control!" Just as you were about to argue back, Michael opened the door. "We're on." He shook his head at you, putting his ear plugs back in as he left. You went to the couch, sitting down and beginning to cry.


Part 2 of this? Yeah it is. But for that I need 2 Votes at least. Pretty Please! :-)

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