51. Halloween.

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Preference 51.  Halloween.

Ashton: October 31st is your favorite day of the year, because it is in fact, Halloween. It’s your favorite holiday, you loved to dress up and go from door to door to get free candy. You also loved playing pranks on the other kids, because you were a huge prankster yourself. Basically, you just really loved Halloween. And today, you convinced Ashton to come trick or treating with you, and of course, he agreed to come at the mention of free candy. You decided to go as a ghost, so you needed to put a huge amount of powder on your face and a few blood stains and scars here and there. You wanted to do it all by yourself, but Ashton really wanted to try makeup for the first time. You watched as he began to pick up random stuff from your makeup pouch and giggled when he eyed your concealer. “This stuff goes on your lips right?” He asked, as he looked to you for help. You giggled, shrugging in amusement as he tried to figure out which one goes where. “Ahh, fuck this. You’re gonna be a really scary ghost, babe.” He picked up your powder and began to put it all over your face, smiling when you felt his soft lips press against yours for a moment. He then picked up the concealer and applied it on your lips, making it look really weird and pale. He then began to put some blush-on on your eyelids, and you bit your lip to stiffle a giggle. He then continued to work on your face by applying mascara on your eyebrows, eyeshadow on your cheeks and the only thing he got right was the lipstick on your lips. “You are so bad at this,” you chuckled and he shot you a look of feigned hurt. “After everything I did for you,” he says dramatically. You didn’t notice that he picked up the small bottle of face paint beside him though, and the next thing you knew, you were covered in red face paint. You gaped and stared at him before he began to run away from you. You grabbed the nearest bottle of face paint you could find and sprinted after him, shouting profanities as you chased him down. Once you caught up with him, you poured the paint all over his head. You turned to run, but he immediately wrapped his strong arms around your waist and began to spin you around. You giggled as he did, then after a few spins, he set you down, turning you around so you faced him. The next thing you knew, his lips were moving against yours in perfect sync and your hands found their way to his hair, tugging at them softly, earning a slight moan from the curly-haired boy in front of you. You pulled away slightly and smiled, “I love you so much, Ash.” He smiled back and said, “I love you more, Y/N.” before placing his lips on yours once more.

Michael: ”Trick or treating is so fucking childish,” he murmurs and you narrowed your eyes into slits. You turned to him, and he was sitting on the couch, eyeing yoou with a smirk plastered on his pale face. You were dressed up as a dark angel, which you thought was really cute and all girly and stuff. You were supposed to go trick or treating with Ashton today, because Michael was being such a pussy and told you he didn’t want to go trick or treating. “Say what you want, I’m still the one getting the free candy,” you smiled, shrugging. Michael continued to eye you and his lopsided smile grew, “You look pretty good in that, I wish it was Halloween everyday,” You then proceeded to roll your eyes at him, shaking your head. You wanted him to come so badly, you wanted him to see how fun it actually is to trick or treat. You were still a child at heart, and Michael thought he was too punk rock to go outside wearing a costume and run around, asking people to give him candy. The fucking lad had fairy floss colored hair for crying out loud. He could have made a wonderful fairy today, but sadly, he’s too punk rock for it, or so he keeps on saying. Ashton then appeared, wearing a pirate costume, as he really wanted to make Steve the Pirate a thing. You giggled, “You look pretty good Ash.” You noticed Michael turn his head to look up at the curly-haired boy who was clad in his pirate outfit. His eyes narrowed and he asked, “Ashton’s coming with you?” You linked your arm with Ashton’s muscled one, and grabbed your bucket from the table beside you. “Well yeah, I was supposed to take you but since you didn’t want to go, Ashton’s taking me.” Michael was actually one of those jealous kinds, and you loved it whenever he would get all overprotective and jealous, it was just so cute. His lips twitched into a smile, and he scratched the back of his head saying, “I don’t suppose you have a wand hidden in your house somewhere? I think I want to go as a fairy tonight,” You laughed, shaking your head as you unlinked your arm with Ashton’s. You kneeled down in front of Michael and giggled, “Of course, my beautiful fairy princess.” you cooed as you pinched his cheek. He laughed and kissed your lips softly, making you smile. You ignored Ashton’s groans and whines as you two continued to kiss for a few more minutes, and once you had enough of his kisses, you pulled away with a smirk. “Let’s go, then. I still need to find that wand I used last year,” you laughed as you took Michael’s hand.

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