2. When You're Sick.

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Preference 2 - When You're Sick.

ASHTON:Sitting next to you, he places all the objects on the bedside table. First of, he hands you a glass of water and two little yellow pills, kissing you softly as you grimace from the powdery taste. Placing the glass back on the table, Ashton slips himself behind you until your back is against his chest, his legs either side of yours. Handing you a mug of peppermint tea, his hands fall to your stomach, rubbing the aching area gently, trying to ease the pain.

CALUM:He frowns as you sneeze again, your seventh in the last ten minutes, wincing as it scratches your throat.. Pressing a quick kiss to your forehead, Calum stands and walks out. He returns with his arms full of items - a blanket, a pillow, a few bottles of water, a packet of cold pills, tissues, throat lozenges and a pile of DVDs. He wraps you in the blanket, leaning you against the pillow as he force feeds you the pills, putting on a movie before returning to his position next to you.

LUKE:He slips into the bedroom quickly and quietly, attempting to keep the light and noise to a minimum. Sliding silently along the floor, Luke sits on the bed next to you, frowning when you whimper from the pain shooting through your skull. He whispers apologies fluently as he helps you sit upright and swallow the prescribed painkillers and sleeping pills. Your moans of pain clearly affect him, though he tries to not let it show. Carefully, he massages your temples, relieved when you fall asleep.

MICHAEL:You hear Michael open the bathroom door as you rest on your knees, trying to hold back the rolling in your stomach. He sits behind you, rubbing your arms comfortingly. His fingers immediately tangle in your hair as you lean forward and empty your stomach. Pressing a kiss between your shoulder blades, he stands and returns with a glass of water. Holding out his hand, he helps you to your feet and hands you the cup, flushing the toilet before guiding you to the sink.

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