53 Heartbreak Girl - 5SOS.

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Preference 52. Heartbreak Girl - 5SOS. (Song Preference)

Ashton: "You call me up, it's like a broken record. Saying that your heart hurts, that you never get over him getting over you. And you end up crying, and I end up lying, cause I'm just a sucker for anything that you do"

My phone began to ring in my pocket and I took it out, glancing at the name flashing on my screen. It was her. I smiled, tapping the receive call button and placed the phone against my ear, "Hello?" I asked happily. "Ash," I heard her sniffle and my smile turned into a frown. She only calls me up sniffling whenever something happens between her and her dick boyfriend. "What did he do now?" I asked as I pinched the bridge of my nose. "H-he broke up with me," she sobbed and I didn't know how to feel about it. Should I be happy that that dick finally set her free, or should I be sad because she still feels the same way about him? I sighed once more and said, "You didn't need him anyway," she continued to cry when I said that, and then I felt really bad. "Shh, I'm sorry I-" "I know you're saying this because you care about me Ash, and I really appreciate it but..." I heard her take a deep breath before she exhales, and I heard her squeak on the other line. I had to prepare myself of what was to come next. I knew how much she loved this boy, she had fallen head over heels in love with him and I don't even understand why she keeps fighting for him when anyone could see that he doesn't care about her at all? It kills me to see her come to me over and over, crying about the same thing everytime - it was always him. It was always about him. I don't understand why she loves him when he clearly doesn't love her back. Why couldn't she see that there are plenty of other guys out there who'd do anything to make her happy? Why couldn't she see that I'm just right here, waiting for her to realize that I'm absolutely inlove with her, and that I'd do everything in my power as not to see her cry ever again. "..But I just can't leave him, Ashton. I love him too much and I just don't know what I'd do without him. I love him," she continues, and I could literally feel the desperation and sadness in her voice, which caused a tear to roll down my cheek as well. She couldn't ever see me as anything more than a friend, she never could. After all, she's too blinded by her love for him, she's into it too deep and I don't know if she can get out. "I understand," I sighed. I just needed to hear her laugh again, I can't stand her crying, it breaks my heart hearing her cry. "I'm gonna help you get him back." I knew I was going to regret the decision, but I loved her too much. I needed her to be happy, even if it's not with me. "Th-thank you so much Ashton, I love you," she says and I could hear the happiness in her voice. I smiled, feeling the pain inside my chest and shook my head, knowing she won't ever mean that as anything more than a friend. "I love you too, Y/N."

Michael: "I dedicate this song to you, the one who never sees the truth, that I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl. Hold you tight straight through the day light, I'm right here. When you gonna realise that I'm your cure, heartbreak girl?"

I looked up and smiled as the spotlight blinded me. I glanced down and see her smiling up at me, she looked genuinely happy and I couldn't ask for more. I bit my lip when I remembered how she was crying in my arms a few hours ago, and I tried to hide the scowl that was going to form on my face. She came crying to me again about her boyfriend, and it seems like they had another fight and he called her names. She went on and on about how she didn't like how the fight ended, and she just wanted to have him back. He was mad at her for one little thing, and she comes running to me whenever this happens. I'm used to it by now, because this has been happening a lot lately but what I hate is that she keeps running back to him. I've been here for her since the very beginning and I was the one who put her heart back into a whole again, only to give it right back to the boy who shattered it into a million tiny pieces. I was the one who made her stop hurting and healed her, but she keeps running back to that asshole who would just pick her up and stomp all over her. I am sick and tired of seeing her hurt, it happens too often for my liking. I glanced to the side and watched as Luke began to sing the chorus of our song, and I began to sing it as well, locking gazes with her. "I dedicate this song to you, the one who never sees the truth," I sang with Luke, trying to harmonize with his deep voice. I looked directly into her eyes, making sure she was listening. "That I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl," She smiles, waving at me and I nodded. I want you to listen closely, Y/N. I want you to hear the words I've been meaning to tell you. I want you to hear the words my heart has been screaming these past couple of months. I want you to hear how much I love you. I want you to feel how I feel about you through these song lyrics. "Hold you tight straight through the daylight, I'm right here, when you gonna realize?" I want my feelings to reach you, Y/N. I want you to see how much I love you, and how much I want you to be mind. I want you to know that I won't ever hurt you like he does, I want you to know that I can take away your hurt. I want you to know that I'll always love you with all my heart. "That I'm your cure, heartbreak girl." But of course, my feelings would never reach her. Just like how she never listens to me when I try to tell her he's not worth it. It's never gonna happen.

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