54. Bad Boy.

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Preference 54. Bad Boy. (AU)

Ashton: "Are you sure you don’t wanna come with?" Your best friend, Calum, asked. He had his bottom lip stuck outwards in a pout, and his chocolate colored eyes were gazing at your pleadingly, which you countered with a pleading look of your own, just to mock him. "Yes, Cal, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really fit in with… them," You gestured towards the popular crowd, which was lead by Michael Clifford, Luke Hemmings and Ashton Irwin. Calum was really close friends with Michael since he was young, which is why he usually comes to his parties. But you weren’t really that into the party scene, and you didn’t like those three anyways. They were bad news, with bad reps, bad attitudes and everything about them just screamed bad. You noticed that the curly haired one wasn’t with them today, which was unusual because they were always together. "Come on, Calum!" You heard Michael’s obnoxious voice call after your best friend, and the said best friend flashed you an apologetic smile. "Alright then, I’ll make it up to you next time," He said, pressing a kiss onto your forehead before running off to his two friends. Guess you were gonna walk home alone today. You headed toward the direction of your locker, as you still had to drop off a few books before heading on home. After a while, you reached your locker and entered the combination, placing your history and maths book inside before shutting it close. Letting out a sigh, you turned and began walking towards the school entrance, but as you were walking, you heard a voice nearby. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, searching for the source of the voice that seemed familiar to you. Your eyes found a head of blonde hair sticking out from the end of the hallway, and you found yourself walking towards the boy in curiosity. "Everything’s just fine mum," He heard him huff, and once you were close enough, you could see who the boy was. It was none other than Ashton Irwin, the school’s resident bad boy. He was pretty much known for all the trouble he’s caused these past four years in this school, as well as his dickhead personality. You never had a chance to judge him personally, as you never really talked to him nor did you have any classes with him. You watched as he continued talking, his phone pressed against his ear with a frown etched on his attractive face. "I thought you were gonna come home this summer," His hazel eyes went wide before they were cast down onto the floor. "Oh. I-I understand, I guess I’ll just see you next April, then? O-okay, I’ll call you tomorrow. Good night." He hung up, quickly placing his phone back inside his pocket. You noticed the tears that were trickling down his face, ad the sobbing that came soon afterwards. You’ve never seen him so vulnerable before - you may not know him well, but as you’ve heard from many rumors, he never shows any sign of weakness. And to see him unravel right before you made your heart drop, and you found yourself taking a step towards him unconsciously. Ashton looked up, his eyes wide when he saw you approach. "Y/N, what-" You shushed him, taking him into your arms and buried your head into his chest. "Don’t complain, I’m not going to tell anyone what I’ve seen today and I’m doing this because I know you need one right now," Your lips tugged into a smile when you felt his arms wrap around you. You heard him sniffling as he rested his head on top of yours, a murmured thank you escaping his lips as he softly sobbed the hurt away.

Michael: Your eyes flickered to the clock behind your maths teacher, who was the one in charge of today’s detention. It was only about three thirty, which meant that you had about thirty more minutes of detention left. You weren’t really used to being in detention, in fact, you shouldn’t even be here in the first place. You were quietly minding your own business during maths class, doodling onto your notebook as you couldn’t be bothered to even listen to the lecture anymore. You noticed that a crumpled ball of paper landed by your feet, and you curiously picked it up. You uncrumpled the paper, finding the rather insulting drawing of your maths teacher on it unamusing. Peering over your shoulder, you see a certain Clifford staring at you with his signature smirk plastered on his face. You shook your head, rolling your eyes at his immaturity. You were about to throw it away though, until your maths teacher pried the paper off your hands, a disappointed look on his face when he wrote you up a detention slip. And now, you were stuck in detention for about twenty-three more minutes and the only other person here with you was Michael, who was seated near the window. Since he usually talked back and insulted every single teacher in the school whenever he had the chance, he was always in detention, and seeing him here wasn’t really surprising. He was what everyone called a badboy anyways, always picking on everyone and causing mischief. You were glad that you didn’t have to deal with him during detention though, because if you did, you would rip your hair out. You were already pissed when he got you detention, and now you were beyond pissed because he was here as well. Just ignore him and it’ll all be okay, you thought as you watched the hands of the clock move at such a slow rate. The sound of someone’s phone ringing brought you back to reality, and your maths teacher quickly excused himself to answer the call. You heaved out a sigh, rubbing your temples as you heard Michael’s voice behind you, “I thought he’d never leave.” You stood up, eyebrows knitted together as you tried to get as much distance between you two as possible. “Aw, don’t be scared. I won’t bite,” He reassured you, the smirk not fading from his pale face. He watched as you continued to back away, and his smirk grew wider when he noticed you yelp, your back making contact with a desk. Michael quickly took this opportunity and placed his hands on the desk, on either side of you so you were trapped between him and the desk. His hot breath tickled your skin, and you could also practically feel the smirk on his face as you grew tense. You could practically see the lust in his eyes as he stared at you, licking his lips when he leaned in closer. He then started placing soft kisses up your neck, which took you off guard as you didn’t really expect him to start kissing you. You wanted to push him away, but the way his lips felt against your skin felt amazing - you wanted more, and you weren’t going to deny him because this sensation caused your stomach to erupt with butterflies. Something clicked inside of you when he placed his hand on your left hip, squeezing on it gently. Your legs found their way around his waist pulling him closer as you ran your fingers through his dyed red hair, “Just this once,” You gasped as he started sucking on your collar bones. “Just this once.” He repeated, before sinking his teeth into your skin. You knew that you were gonna regret this someday, but you honestly couldn’t care. You just wanted Michael. That was all you cared about right now.

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