99. Michael Imagine. 'In The Blink Of an Eye.'

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Michael Imagine. 'In The Blink Of an Eye.'

Michael was a happy man. After his countless years of being in a pop punk band, he was finally ready to settle down with the girl who’s been by his side since day 1. You’ve been Michael’s supporter and soul mate since he first met you and now, you were the mother to his five children. Yeah, five is a bit much but Michael has so much love for his children. His eldest, Lillian, was now graduated from college and she moved to an upper part of Sydney with her new husband.

Michael wasn’t quite fond of him, since he had a very unpromising job but Lillian loved him and that was all that mattered to him. Leann, who was a very sophisticated 16 year old, was already getting letters from colleges, scholarships and has a 3.7 GPA. Michael had not experienced the full high school journey, since he dropped to be in a band. But he was excited his children were pushing through and wanting to have a will to graduate.

But, Michael had two rowdy boys to deal with. Tillman, who was only 10 was very rambunctious for his age. He’s had multiple arguments in school, got expelled twice and even got sent home the majority of his 2nd grade year for throwing crayons at students. You and Michael had never dealt with that, but in the end the both of you came up with some pretty decent punishment. Michael decided no tv for a week was sufficient for a boy his age, since he didn’t have the fancy PSP or the XBOX like the other boys had.

Michael’s other son, Grant, was the complete opposite of Tillman. He was a lot more calmer, and you feared he would be bullied a lot in school. And you were right. Grant was only 6 and he had to go with kids in his grade picking on him because he was too shy. You didn’t quite understand that, he could talk up a storm at home, but at school it’s like he’s a completely different person. You suggested counseling but Michael was all against that, and you two got into a very heated argument about it.

But in the end, like always, Michael always wins. And about 4 months ago, you gave birth to another daughter and you hoped, it would be your last. Little Piper was a darling baby. In Michael’s opinion, she was his favorite, but his favorites seemed to vary day by day. It never dawned on him how much he could love a child more than his own wife, but as soon as Lillian was born, his thoughts of loving you more seemed to slip out of the window.

Michael laid with his ankles crossed on his recliner, that was a Christmas gift from his father two years ago. Piper laid asleep on his chest, the small strings of her hair tickling Michael’s neck every once in a while. Tillman and Grant sat on the floor in front of him, battling each other when their Hulk and Superman lego’s, occasionally getting violent whenever the other hit his character a little too hard. While Leann was upstairs, studying for her English finals.

You were stuck at work, only 10 more minutes until you got to come home to your family. God knows, working 9 to 5 everyday is stressful, especially when you just went back to work a month ago, and still worrying about leaving Piper at home with Michael. Michael wasn’t a bad father, but he is prone to dropping children and Tillman has a nice scar on his leg where Michael dropped him when he was only 3 to prove that statement.

4:56. Your foot tapped cautiously on the floor, your phone still lit up from your 20 minutes conversation with Lillian earlier, discussing how she passed both of her courses this year and would probably be able to graduate college early. The familiar clicking sounds of your boss’s cheap heels sounded through the hall as she was standing right in your doorway. “My dear Y/N, how’s the family?” 4:57. “They’re good. Doing good.” She nodded and smiled, “How’s Michael huh? Last time I seen him he was off on tour.”

You nodded, last time your boss even heard or seen of Michael was the day he was leaving for tour and you had just started your job. Now you were married and a mother of 5, time really does fly by in the blink of an eye. “He’s fine.” You said, growing anxious as she smiled. “I know how much you must miss your babies. Go ahead home.” You didn’t have to think twice, scooping up your purse and phone, you shut down your computer, leaving your notes saved, for that was a tomorrow task.

You arrived home at 5:30, sighing in relief as a smile crept up on your face. On the other side of the door, awaited your beautiful family. Michael knew you got home, the sound of your car being far from quiet. “Stop Tillman! You’re hurting Superman!” Grant wailed, hitting him equally as hard back. “Hey now, stop the fuss.” Michael said, scolding his sons as they completely ignored him, continuing to assault each others action figures. Michael’s head craned to the door, anxiously waiting for you to walk in any moment now.

He loved spending 8 hours with his kids, but one more hour and he was sure to blow his top. A small whine escaped from his chest, as he looked down, Piper beginning to get cranky for her dinner. “Hey now..” He whispered, softly patting her bum as her whines only seemed to increase. Michael sat up fully, holding his daughter in front of his face as she opened her eyes, catching sight of him. “God you look just like your mommy.” He cooed, Piper smiling at his statement. “Yes you do.” Michael added, scrunching up his nose at the infant.

Her tiny hands curled into fists as she craned backwards, stretching slightly as Michael smiled at the almost breathtaking moment in front of him. Just as he put her back to his chest, the door slammed slightly. “Mommy!” Your two boys sprinted towards you, grabbing both of your legs and squeezing as if their lives depended on it. “Jesus, did you guys miss me that much?” You bent down, kissing both of their heads as they both ran back to their little game.

Setting your pocketbook onto the table you strode over to Michael, kissing his lips gently before looking at your daughter. She squealed at the sight of you so you took her from Michael, attacking her cheeks in kisses. “Mommy missed her munchkin.” Michael stood, taking her from you again as he sat her in her swing, patting his sons on the head. “Watch her for a few minutes, okay?” They didn’t respond as Michael led you up the stairs. Poking your head into Leann’s room, you saw her, computer in her face, papers everywhere as she snacked on a granola bar. “Hi baby!” “Hi mommy!”

Michael shut the door behind you, smirking as you took off your heels, now an inch shorter than him. “How was work?” He asked, taking off your jacket for you as you sighed. “A pain in the ass. Like it always is.” You said, sighing as he placed a kiss to the top of your head. This was a ritual for Michael, always feeling the need to undress you after a long day of work. “This polished look really isn’t for you.” He added, referring to your bun, skirt and blouse you wore everyday. “I prefer you laid back and sexy.” 

Shaking your head you blushed, your blouse on the floor as he kissed your shoulder. Your eyes fluttered closed as his hands wandered to your skirt, unzipping it as it fell to the floor with the rest of your clothes. “You sure do love to spoil me.” You whispered, turning around as your arms wrapped around your husbands neck, a smirk falling on his lips. “Anything for you, my lovely.” His hands wandered up your back, allowing your bun to fall as his eyes darkened.

"God the things I could do to you right now if we didn’t have a house full of kids." Just as he was about to kiss you, a small knock on the door made you both jump. Mommy and daddy time was sparse in the house now a days. From Piper crying all the time, your boys arguing or Leann needing help on homework, you and Michael barely had any alone time. You quickly grabbed one of his shirts, pulling it on as he opened the door, revealing Leann. 

"I can’t seem to put two and two together on this problem." Just as you pulled on some shorts, Michael allowed Leann to step into the room. Kicking your clothes to the side, she came to you. After reading over the problem, you smiled and pointed to the answer. "It’s obviously that one." She smiled, high fiving you as she ran back to her room. "How do you do it?" Michael asked, smirking as you shrugged.

"It’s called graduating high school." You winked at him, skipping back downstairs as you saw Piper still awake in her swing, your sons beginning to wrestle each other on the ground. "You two need settle down!" You said, both of them looking at you before you smirked. "Now let mommy in!" You jumped onto the floor, both the boys giggling loudly as you just mastered the art of tickling both of them at the same time.

Michael grinned like a child, at the sight of his family. He was definitely a lucky man, he remembers being young and reckless, preforming every night, hook ups here and there and tattoo’s galore. But looking at his family now, he’s glad he gave up the fast life, to settle down and be able to look at this all the time. “Can’t do anything with her can you?” Leann joked, poking her dad’s side as he chuckled, looking at you finger attacking your sons on the floor. “Gotta love her though.”

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