He always get's his fucking way but not today and not anymore. "Fuck no! The last time she went to his goddamn house was when Y/n first got sick! You can't do that...not again."

"Excuse me?!" The two were shocked at my outburst but not Allison. She knew me like the back of her hand. I don't bother responding as I know there will not be a positive outcome from it, so instead I walk towards my household door and slam it shut behind me.


I don't remember the last time I was in his room because it seems like everything around us is slowly breaking apart. But like always nothing ever moves around in this average sized room. The walls remains a light blue, the bedsheets always remain a black and white colour and the skateboards shelfs always hold the same items. Exhaling a deep breath my eyes focus back on the door where Liam walks in with a snack board and water bottles.

"Here." He tosses one water bottle at me.

I catch it.

"Thanks." I gulp down half the bottle as my mouth suddenly becomes dry. Every single emotion is heightened when I'm around Liam; especially since our argument is the cause of this break between us.

"You said you wanted to talk?" He says and takes a bite out of the sandwich.

"Y-yeah um-." My eyes remain still on the food in front of us. It's almost like a all you can eat buffet. I loose all concentration around me as the food is intriguing to me.

I wish I could eat.

"Y/n?" Liam's eyes follow my own before he curses under his breath. "Frick I'm so sorry I didn't-" This snaps me out of my trance at his un-needed apology. He was trying to be considerate therefore Liam shouldn't apologize.

"No don't be, you were just trying to be nice if anything I should be sorry. I shouldn't have blurted out personal information between the two of us." This time I sit up on my knees and inch closer to my best friend. Since I could remember Liam always showed his emotions on the outside, even if they were unintentional. I will forever believe that his love language is physical touch because of the many times I've seen Liam care too much. He's the type of person who easily feels guilty for doing things that aren't his fault. He's the sweetest guy out there and anyone would be grateful to have him in there lives. 

Liam's hand immediately goes to the side of my neck while I watch his eyes water. It was almost like he didn't expect those words to fly out of my mouth. "I'm sorry for hurting you n/n, I never in a million years would do such a thing because I worry about you too much. You said what you thought was right and I can't blame you for it; I was a dick to you that day."

Smiling at Liam I embrace him in a hug and inhale. He's the best hugger out of everyone I know, something I wouldn't change about him. "That still doesn't make it appropriate to say and-"

"Why don't we ignore it happen; yeah?" Liam pats my back but still doesn't move away from me.

"Okay." My head leans onto his shoulder while his hands move comfortably up and down my spine. I've never met a person whom I can be so comfortable around and calm until I met Liam. He's my anchor and that will never change. With my thoughts spinning back to the night of the party unanswered questions keeps invading my head. "Liam."


"Is it true? Do you um actually love me?" I ask and simply just like that Liam pulls away only to cup my cheeks within his hands.

More than just a friendshipHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin