When can we meet again? (part 2)

Start from the beginning

Stuffing his keys into his pocket, Russia thrugged down the doorway and on to the house's walkway. He checked the mailbox, and was surprised to see letters. Okay, maybe not too surprised. It had been days since he last gone out.

He flicked through them. Electrical bills, heating bills, the like. He was about to conclude all of them were just day old bills and chuck them into the house before he went on the the store when he saw a letter stuck at the bottom of the stack in his hands. It was tinted red, a soft rosey pinkish red, and it was from...Berlin, Germany.

A car door slammed from a few houses behind him, and he whirled around to face the sound. There was a taxi, reversing back down the road, and a man that had just gotten out of the taxi, with two luggage bags and a very familiar suitcase held in his hands.

"Г-Германия(2)?" Came his shaky voice. His entire body trembled, and his feet slowly carried him to that man. This couldn't be, it couldn't!!

"Russland(3)?!" The man, he could see was shorter than me when he was closer, shouted back, mouth agape and eyes glistening.

He threw down his bags, and came running to Russia. Russia couldn't move, no matter how much he wanted to, he just stood there in disbelief and shock. But he was so happy, so happy that he couldn't even express what he was feeling properly.

"Russland!!!!" Germany shouted, and ran towards the tall country. When he was about three feet away, he flung himself into the bigger country's arms. He could already feel the tears running down his cheeks at the familiar warmth, something he'd miss so much.

Russia laughed through his own tears, caught him safely and spun them around. Holding Germany tight in his arms, hugging him like there was no tomorrow. Germany's face was buried into his chest, his arms clinging on to him vice-like as well.

They came to a stop, and Russia's legs gave out, sending them both kneeling on the concrete sidewalk, still clinging on to each other and sobbing each others names through their tears. Germany pulled his head up, letting Russia see the tear stained face, and the misted glasses miraculously still perched on his sharp nose. Germany was as handsome and perfect as ever, every detail still the same, smiling happily through his crying as he looked up at him.

Russia wiped away the salty tears, and pressed his forehead to Germany's, smiling stupidly in his absolute joy. Germany closed his eyes, his heart was bursting with emotion, and he was sure that his boyfriend was as well. He grinned, clinging onto Russia's waist like a life-line, fresh tears falling down his cheeks.

"Warum... warum bist du nicht gekommen und hast mich abgeholt(4)?" he sniffled, joking asking to break them from this spell of tears. They must look horribly embarrassing, two men bawling their hearts out in the middle of a neighbourhood.

Russia laughed weakly, but with happiness. Together at the same time, they closed the gap between them. Russia used one hand to tilt Germany's chin higher, deepening their kiss.

It wasn't a very long kiss, because they were in the middle of a sidewalk and anyone could see them, if they so happened to look out of their window. But it was passionate, it was sweet, and it contained all the feelings that they have for each other. Electricity rushed through Russia's whole body from the other pair of warm lips on his, banishing all ill feelings he had in his heart, filling it once more with warmth and, wholesomeness

Germany slowly let his lips fall away, and opened his eyes. Russia's met his, filled with the love and everything he had missed for so long. "Ich...ich liebe dich(5)." he whispered, leaning in more to the touch.

"я тоже тебя люблю(6)." Carefully, as if afraid he would break and leave him alone again, Russia kissed Germany's eyelids, one at a time. He could taste the saltiness of his tears, and slowly trailed the soft little kisses down, following the tear tracks, kissing away all the sadness.

Russia picked them both up, cradling Germany who immediately shifted to bury his face into the tall country's collarbone. He walked back to the house, and shut the door immediately after. He could help Germany pick up his forgotten luggage later, not like anyone would want to steal it in this neighbour. For now, Germany was the most important thing to him.

Russia forcefully, but still gently, pushed Germany up against the wall of the living room, thankfully with the curtains closed. No one needed to see them make out more than needed.

"You, have no idea how much I missed this. How much I missed you." Russia mumbled, kissing his boyfriend again, going deeper than before. Germany moaned softly, opening his mouth which gave the opportunity to let Russia slip in his tongue, fighting each other for dominance. 

In the end Russia won anyway, as usual. He glided along the smooth insides of Germany's warm mouth, tracing every semi sharp tooth as if to memorise them. Germany's own tongue sometimes pressed against his, sending more shocks of pleasure through them both.

The kiss was one of the longest that they ever shared in their whole relationship, usually they always favored short, sweet and meaningful. But this, they were apart for more than 2 whole months, they were hungry. 

Russia snaked one hand under Germany's shirt, feeling the lean muscles under his warm skin. He didn't have abs like himself, but he was definitely fit. Germany's moans got louder, and he arched his back against the wall, pushing their lower regions closer together. Russia groaned into the kiss as he felt Germany teasingly moved his hips, sending a new and different wave of pleasure through him.

But regrettably, they had to let go to breath. Slowly, hesitatingly as their lips slipped apart, a thin string of their mixed saliva still connected in between them. Germany's shirt had already been pushed all the way up to his chest, exposing the soft skin of his stomach. They panted together loudly, sharing air as they stared into each other's half lidded eyes. Germany still remained pinned to the wall, with his legs wrapped around Russia's waist, keeping him close.

Russia was still hugging Germany from inside his shirt, more loosely now instead of the death grip like before. But he made sure to keep holding on, and never letting go. They would have to let go again, someday. But not today.

They would never let go of each other forever if the choice was theirs to make.


 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

So what did you all think?? I hope it was still relatively okay XP

I think I forgot to say this in the previous two, Requests are still open! If I didn't say that they are closed, they are always open :))) 

To People that had requested, you will see it soon I PROMISE. SwEaR oN mY wATTpaD ACcoUnT!!

Translations(all from Google translate)

(1) German sausage 

(2) G...Germany?

(3) Russia?!

(4) Why...why didn't you come and pick me up?

(5) I...I love you

(6) I love you too

Anyways, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE 982 READS!!! Should I do something special, I've seen other writers do something for their own books whenever this type of things happen. I'm so clueless this is my first time getting so much attention halp.

 Maybe I could do a self introduction to y'all, so you all know a little more about me? Or do you all just want another oneshot. Or something else idk tell me what to do XD

Votes and comments are always appreciated and forever loved!!!! Thank you!!!

See you all next time!!! :))))))))))))))))))herewegoagain))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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