Meet you at Hell's Moon?

Start from the beginning

The pond was named Hell's Moon, for it's reddish colored waters. And the moon was always stood right on top of it through the clearing in the trees above, making it look like a bloody reflection of the moon at anytime of the night to anyone who looked into the pond.

Some said the pond was filled with murdered people that were dumped in it's deep waters, turning the water red. Others said it was a window to Hell, and the devil and his minions could watch the real world from inside Hell from it.

Lucky none of that was really true, so Germany could come here without being spotted by any of his fellow demons.

He looked around the pond, trying to find his mystery sender of that little piece of paper. Suddenly two muscled arms hugged him from behind, easily wrapping around his slim body and folded wings.

He half screaked, half gasped as he struggled in his captor's arms, until the muscled arms relaxed, and a booming laugh echoed through the clearing like a wolf's barks, sending tiny ripples thought the red water with their strength.

"Russland(1)!! You scared me!!" Germany exclaimed, shaking out his wings and baring his sharp teeth playfully at the large half man half wolf. Who was clutching his muscly stomach and laughing, sounding more like a yapping wolf cub now than the full grown monster he had sounded like before.

"Well sorry, Deutschland(2). You know I could never resist." The big werewolf now known as Russia said playfully. He then went back to where Germany stood and gave a lick to the dip between his neck and collarbone. Germany let him, tilting his head to the right to allow him to remark him.

The rough wolf tongue grazed his collarbone, leaving a thin coat of saliva and Russia's scent on him, making any other werewolf or creature that could detect scent think twice about getting close to this demon. After he was satisfied that there was enough to last a month before they could see each other again, Russia let go to give his boyfriend/mate a proper hug.

Germany buried his face into his werewolf's warm fur, breathing in the scents of the forest and some human. He truly had missed his lover, after not being able to see him since the last full moon.

The two supernatural beings laughed and let go of each other, staring lovingly into each other's eyes for a moment.

Germany loved the way Russia's yellow eye's reflected the moonlight, making them seem to glow like little lamps, a warmness and comfortableness like no other werewolf he ever encountered.

Russia marveled at Germany's actually on fire eyes, watching them flicker and burn with passion and intelligence and kindness like no other demon he ever encountered.

And that is why I love him, like no one else. They thought at the same time.

Enough of the sappiness, Russia suddenly threw his smaller size partner into the air, making Germany laugh again. They both knew this dance, and would do it every time they could meet.

Germany came hurling back to the ground, and tackled Russia down with him. The two continued their playful roughhousing, Russia making playful nips at Germany every time he got close, and he retaliated by pulling on Russia's furry ears and tail, making the other yelp in surprise.

Germany decided to take momentarily refuge in the air, flapping his black wings to propel himself up to the air, but Russia friskily tugged his thin tail and making him loss his balance. Causing him to fall back down, landing with a soft 'Oof!' on the grass. Russia quickly climbed on top of him, so Germany was spread out and pinned beneath him. They both stopped to catch their breath.

Germany pretended to struggle, baring his sharp demonic teeth and making small hisses as he thrashed. Russia grinned at his act, and pressed his mouth to Germany's, effectively making him stop.

The demon quickly kissed back, even slipping his tongue into Russia's mouth, making the werewolf moan quietly.

"I guess I win, hmm?" Russia panted after they parted, Germany breathing quite heavy as well. He gave him a small smile in answer.

"Ich liebe dich, mein gruseliger werwolf(3)."

"я тоже люблю тебя, мой злой демон(4)."


Now, I can't say much about the writing, it's more of the idea of the AU and the plot I had in mind XD. 

As some of you would know from the previous chapter, I unfortunately have school started next week, and so probably wouldn't have time to upload as much as I have been. But requests are STILL open, and you can always send them in, it will just take longer for me to get time to do them. But for anyone with have given me a request before this don't worry, I will get to those first and try to do them before school work comes in full swing again :D

Translations (all from Google translate)

(1) Russia

(2) Germany

(3) I love you, my scary werewolf

(4) I love you too, my evil demon

Thank you so much everyone for reading this, I never though this one shot book would go out so quickly(There is 361 reads in 1 week. Wow) and everything means a lot to me.

So every vote or comment is forever appreciated by me. You all have a place in my heart. 

:)))))))))))))))))))))))))i can do this all day)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))ah you know what )))))))))))))) x3000

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