This stupid conflict was unnecessary in Jungkook's opinion. He had done absolutely nothing to anger Taeyong like this. Now, he had to buffen his security to protect Jimin when it was unnecessary to. Jungkook knew that talking it out would be useless in Taeyong's current state. He really hated conflicts like this, but what choice did he have other than to fight back?

Jungkook sighed and plopped back on the couch. Both he and Namjoon didn't recognize the current Taeyong anymore. Scratch that, none of his group of friends believed that it was Taeyong who started this. They all thought Namjoon was lying when he first told them. They laughed in his face, but stopped after Jaebum traced the information and confirmed that it was Taeyong behind all of it. To say that they were shocked was an understatement.

Meanwhile, Taeyong sat on one of the chairs while his strongest group of hybrids trained. He smirked. He was determined to crush Jungkook. His smirk disappeared when he saw that one of the hybrids had stopped doing his push-ups. "Dejun, aren't you supposed to be a lynx hybrid? Lynx hybrids are supposedly graceful and strong, right?" Taeyong emphasized, pulling on Dejun's hair.

Yangyang, a snow leopard hybrid, winced. His arms were sore and hurting, but he didn't dare collapse like Dejun did. This was their fifth thousand push-up, and they were all exhausted. Whenever one of them collapsed from exhaustion, Taeyong would punish them. Hendery, a lion hybrid, collapsed while Taeyong was punishing Dejun. Taeyong snapped his head and looked at Hendery. Hendery didn't even notice as he was too tired. Just as he was about to fall asleep, Taeyong stepped on his head harshly and woke him up.

"If you're just going to laze around then you're basically useless to me. You know what I do to useless people, right?" Taeyong said calmly, glaring at Hendery. Hendery shivered and nodded his head. "Speak." Hendery trembled his harder and gathered his confidence to face Taeyong. "U-understood." Taeyong let out a twisted smile and removed his foot from Hendery's head.

As Taeyong went back to punish Dejun, a Thai human named Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul walked in. Since his name is too hard to pronounce, Taeyong forced a nickname called 'Ten' on him. Ten gasped as he saw his best friends being abused by Taeyong again. It's been like this for the past week and he could tell that they were at their limits. "Let go of them! Let them rest for a bit!"

Taeyong glared at Ten, prepared to punish him as well. Ten helped Lucas get up from his stiff position. As he helped Lucas, a fox hybrid named Kun collapsed. Just as Taeyong was about to punish Kun, Ten stepped in the way and pushed Taeyong aside. Taeyong was enraged that Ten was brave enough to defy him. Just as he was about to extent his claws to scratch Ten, a familiar tall figure stepped in front of him.

"Johnny!" Ten cheered joyfully, hugging Johnny from behind. Johnny smiled and messed up Ten's hair. He turned to Taeyong, glaring at him. "What did I say about hurting my human? I told you that this human is my property, which means no one except me is allowed to hurt him." Johnny continued to glare at Taeyong, making the tiger hybrid sigh and retract his claws.

"He was being irritating which made me want to punish him." He replied, causing Ten to protest. "No, I was stopping you from overworking my friends and pushing them too hard." Before Ten and Taeyong could have a verbal fight, Johnny turned to the five hybrids. "You guys can get a break for three days. Do whatever you want. You can either stay here or go to the surface to live normally. It's your choice, understood?"

The five hybrids nodded and left, silently praising the lord. Taeyong was now glaring at Johnny. "I need them to crush Jungkook!" Johnny rolled his eyes at Taeyong. "Jungkook this, Jungkook that. Can't you just stop chasing after him for one second and start giving Jaehyun the love he deserves? You act as if the entire world revolves around your revenge on Jungkook."

Taeyong gritted his teeth at Johnny. "You barely even visit this organization's secret base! You're off doing who knows what! I'm basically the only one leading this place here! What kind of founder are you if you're not even going to contribute to this place?!" Taeyong yelled at Johnny, kicking the chair beside him and breaking it from anger. Johnny's glare only grew darker. The tall lion hybrid stepped closer to Taeyong, towering over him.

"Unlike my grandfather, I am not a malicious manipulator who's entire life revolves around revenge. Unlike you, I enjoy my life doing what I want, such as helping others. I only founded this organization with you because it was my grandfather's dying wish. Honestly speaking, I hate the abuse here. I hate the mistreatment. I hate everything about it, which is why I'm so kind to all the humans there. They deserve better than being locked up here and being punished by you." Johnny hissed.

Everyone except for those five warriors listened to the verbal fight the two founders had. They all liked Johnny a lot more because he was always kind, stopping Taeyong and occasionally passing out the latest snacks for them to eat. The only problem was that Johnny barely ever visited the base, which meant that they were often in the range of Taeyong's abuse. Within the past five years of the organization's existence, Johnny only visited about 12 times. Taeyong, on the other hand, was there almost daily.

A human named Donghyuck clung onto his hybrid master, a dog hybrid named Mark. He was scared that the two founders would eventually fight. They all knew that Johnny was very scary when he was mad, so they made sure they didn't take Johnny's kindness for granted. They never knew when Johnny's personality would take a 180. They all shivered in fear as Taeyong gritted his teeth and extended his claws again.

"You're going to wish you didn't say that."

"Try me."

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