Chapter One

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Parking my car in the school lot, I sighed and rested my head against the seat. I looked out the window to see a hoard of students walking up to the impressive brick institute that would be my prison for the next year before I would finally get to head off to college and away from these people.

Sure, I had friends, but only a few I actually cared about. Everyone knew me here. They had for the past three years, some for even longer, and with all that time comes a lot of gossip and a lot of talk. There were no real secrets at Harden Prep mainly because no one could keep a damn secret. Everyone had to know everything about everyone. Even the quiet ones had their moments where they were the center of attention or the ones spreading the hot gossip.

Mostly the drama spawned from the parties. Going to school with a ton of rich kids whose parents were gone most of the time resulted in giant parties that ended as giant disasters. But they were fun.

I tried to stay out of it for the most part. I stuck to my closest friends, but would talk with everyone as we made our way through the crowded houses or lakes or backyards or even that one time at a barn - the one no one talks about. I had my fair share of chatter roaming these halls about me. I shrugged it all off. The only ones I cared about were my small group of real friends.

I decided to get out of my car, gathering my books and laptop from the back seat before trudging towards the main doors. I looked around for any one of my friends, but I had no luck. I nodded my head and put on a fake smile for a few of my classmates, avoided some unwelcome stares, and rolled my eyes at a few incoming freshman that looked wide-eyed and scared.

Half the student body lived here in Walla Walla Bay, the other half from across the country, Harden Prep being one of the best private schools in the U.S. My friends were all from around here, at least in the neighboring towns and cities, so I had been able to hang out with them during the summer. With everyone back in the dorms, however, I knew the whole weekend was going to be filled with parties and booze and weed and more parties.

I got out my locker assignment as I headed to the senior wing. For those who lived in town and not in the dorms we got assigned lockers to keep our stuff in, since we couldn't go back and forth to our rooms. I found mine easily, but frowned when I saw a large figure leaning against it talking to a girl who seemed very annoyed. As I got closer I could hear her speak to him with that familiar sharp edge.

"You know, if you keep stalking me like this I'll have to file a restraining order against you."

"Riley, you haven't spoken to me all summer. I miss you, babe." His hand reached out to pinch her hip in a playful attempt, but she smacked it away with a huff.

"We broke up, Carter. We're over. I'm done telling you this, now leave me the fuck alone." Her tone was cold and formidable, a genuinely frightening girl when she was angry. Nobody messed with her.

I stopped right in front of them, arms crossed, waiting for someone to notice me.

"Look, if you would just give me another chance, I promise you I would prove to you-"

"Will you just let her be, man? She obviously doesn't want to talk to you Hastings." I interrupt him. I wasn't going to get involved, but everyone in our class new how awfully he treated her and just how bad he messed up. Riley Everstaad was probably the only person to ever attend this school that was universally liked by every clique.

Carter and Riley's heads whipped around to see me standing in front of them. They both looked a little embarrassed about having been overheard, but Riley recovered quickly, nodding her head and offering me a small forced smile, "Hey Harry."

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