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The traveling between America and Australia is exhausting. When I got back to my loft, I crashed, sleeping for fourteen hours.

Even my phone couldn't wake me with all the missed phone calls and messages.

Ever since my last conversation in the car with Conrad, I've been really wound up, wanting to scratch this fiery itch I have.

Cold showers whenever I get horny, ignoring it, even masturbating isn't close to scratching the surface. That last one only makes me wound up even more. I feel like a jack in the box. Any second and bang, I'll pounce. I had to restrain myself a few times on the plane, thinking on jumping anyone but I decided against it and sat in my self torture.

The week I was gone from New York, the weather had drastically changed, the temperature dropping and on the threat of snow coming.

I usually go home for Christmas, spending time with my family, but this year feels different. I wasn't sure what I wanted.

The days were long and boring and I was getting tighter inside of me till one night, I caved, going with Amy to a club, finding someone.

A tall, handsome and mysterious stranger in fact. No names were traded, like usual.

I spent the night, breathless, between bedsheets, moaning, but it didn't fill my need. No matter how hard the man tried, even with me assisting, I couldn't get an orgasm to happen.

No matter the position, no matter what either of us did, it wasn't happening and I resigned to the fact that it wasn't going to happen, giving the naked man in front of me my undivided attention.


As the weeks went by, my hunger slowly died down, until I noticed I wasn't really craving it anymore. My insatiable appetite, my enduring quest for an orgasm long forgotten.

I finished at work, at my loft, packing a suitcase for home. I decided to go home for Christmas, spending time with Lillian on her first Christmas.

I was actually excited, deciding to buy most of the gifts at home.

But things just weren't on my side today.

I couldn't hail a taxi down. My arm was dead and my mouth dry from waving and whistling for one. So that made me thirty minutes late to the airport.

Then my phone died because I thought I charged it but forgot to turn the power point on.

When I finally got to the airport, I raced through and my heel snapped, making me crumble to the ground and banging my knee against the hard floor. Getting up, I jumped most of the way, just making the checkout in time.

I quickly took off my broken boot then my other and placed them on the tray with my carry on bag and phone before walking through the detectors for the bastards to go off!

"Ma'am, please remove any belts and jewelry." The security told me as I swore under my breathe. I've still have to go to the other end of the airport yet.

Taking my belt off my jeans, I made sure my pockets were empty and removing all my jewelry.

"Do you have any plates or screws in you?" I was asked and it left me confused for a second.


Thankfully the alarm didn't go off this time and I hurriedly shoved most of my belongings in to my bag in the crook of my elbow, running while trying to place my jewelry back on, barefooted.

The gate was so far away and I was breathless but I kept going, hulling my suitcase which did drag me behind.

I let out a small laugh upon seeing my gate, trying to get there as quick as possible. It wasn't enjoyable doing this with a heavy suitcase and barefooted, looking like I did this regular.

Panting, I handed the lady my boarding pass, waiting to be allowed access. I saw her frown as she read it.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but that flight can't be entered."

I stared at her briefly, not sure I actually heard what she said.

"Why not?"

The lady pointed to the large windows behind her and the plane I'm assuming I was meant to be catching was moving to the runway.

My shoulders slumped. "No!"

"If you just want to head back to the first check in point, I'm sure the people there can place you on the next flight."

The lady looked at me in sympathy. All I could do was nod. Slowly making my way back to the start of the whole process, I was really down about it all.

Stupid taxis, stupid traffic, stupid shoes, stupid metal detectors...

I was in a mood. I went back and tried to get on the next available flight but there wasn't any. The next flight leaves in twenty two hours but the next available flight is in two weeks.

I begged and pleaded, but it got me nothing and I eventually gave up, pulling my suitcase to the exit of the airport and sat on one of the benches outside. I quickly dug through my suitcase and pulled out the only other pair of covered shoes I had packed, my runners.

My phone was flat, I couldn't message Harry to say I missed my flight, I'll probably miss Christmas with my family and it's Lillian first Christmas.

I sunk my head in to my hands and squeezed my eyes shut, preventing tears from forming.


The voice had me still as I looked up at the owner.

"Hey Tiffany." I breathed out.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me. I saw her suitcase behind her, her hand resting on it as she looked at me. Her plush and thick coat kept her warm against the weather and even her hands were in leather gloves.

"I missed my flight." I tried to smile, tried not to feel too bummed out about it. "Where are you off to?"

"I have to go to LA for business then I'm heading out to see some family before joining Conrad." She said in such an innocent manner. "Where were you going? To Australia? Because Conrad is heading that way, here he is now!" She smiled so brightly.

If things couldn't get any worse, I'd be lying. "Oh no, it's fine. I have another flight just not today." I lied.

I saw Conrad appear, a heavy bag swung around his shoulders. He frowned upon seeing Tiffany and I and all I wanted to do was disappear.

"Nonsense." Tiffany waved at me then turned to Conrad. How is it that one or both of these two always turn up at the oddest times? "You wouldn't mind, would you, Con?" Tiffany asked him.

Conrad looked from Tiffany to me as I slowly shook my head, dipping it back in to a hand.

"What's that?"

"Taking Maya with you? She missed her flight and since you're heading to Brisbane, so is Maya, you both can go together?"

I didn't look at his response but I heard it. There was merriment in his tone. "Of course. Why not? We are both going in the same direction." He told us and I really wanted to groan.

"Excellent. Now come inside, it's cold out here." She told us, walking to the entrance with her suitcase.

"Thanks." I mumbled, quickly following Tiffany and trying to avoid Conrad.

We went back inside the warm building and Tiffany gave me a quick look over. "Why are you wearing sneakers?" She asked, perplexed with my looks.

"I've had a horrible day and my boots was part of it. My heel snapped on one."

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