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I gave Amy a pitiful look. I feel for her. I do.

"So, what now?" I asked her just as my name was being called. I looked over at the direction it came from.

"Great work, Maya. Now we need a couple more in a couple shot." They said to me and I nodded.

"Yeah, sure." I agreed and quickly turned to Amy.

"He won't leave this woman. But she is... I dunno. I can't dislike her because I never met her."

"But you can." I informed Amy. "He cheated on you with her."

Amy shrugged at me, the look on her face was despair. Amy looked like she was giving up.

I looked over to see a male model heading to me and with an eyebrow arched, I turned back to Amy.

She looked like she wore the same face as me. Jaw slightly down, a little slobber if possible, slight twinkle of possibility in her eyes then it died instantly. As if she remembered she was in a relationship, but in reality, she isn't.

"Yum!" I mouthed to her, nodding my head to the male model but Amy shook her head, denying it. "Go on!" I whispered to her.

"I can't. You do it." Was her harsh reply. I rolled my eyes before facing the model that was now directly in front of me.

"Hey." He smirked at me and Amy, giving us a slight nod. "I'm Toby."

"Toby." I smiled in a kind manner. "Nice to meet you. I'm Maya. Have you met Amy?" I stepped aside because Amy was slightly hiding behind me.

"Hi, Amy." Toby grinned wider.

"Uh, hi...." Amy breathed out.

"Come on people. Places. Out of the shot, Amy!" Donna yelled out, the other photographer.

Amy stepped back, shyly as I turned back to Toby.

"I need intimate." Donna told us as she changed the lens's on her camera.

Smiling at Toby, we started our positions, giving her intimate. For someone that's such a sex freak, I know when not to allow those emotions flow through me. I felt Toby's hand on my waist, pulling me in as I placed a hand on his chest and another through his hair, seductively looking away, letting my eyes slowly drag to the camera.

I couldn't really talk to Amy much, my attention mainly focusing on myself, willing myself not to get horny basically.

Don't get me wrong, Toby is a hot looking guy and I've slept with a few male models before, but they aren't my type.

Good to have fun with once or twice, or several times with an old fling, Aaron, but that's about it.

I slipped a hand around Toby's waist and rested it on the top of his firm tight ass and dipped my head, resting my forehead on Toby's chin.

This continued for another hour before the shoot wrapped up and I was in the change room, getting dressed. I felt for Amy and the only thing I could think of that Amy loved more than her photography was dancing.

Stepping out off the small room, I zeroed in on her, talking to Donna.

"Lets go. We are going out." I stated at her, weaving my arm through hers.


I faced her completely, taking a breathe. "We are going to mine, I'm dressing you in to something slutty and we are going dancing!" I emphasised to her.

Amy didn't need to think about it a second longer. Nodding her head, her pace faster than mine, we left the building, giggling and smiling as I hailed down a taxi.


I groaned slightly as my head started to pound and my eyes slowly fluttered awake.

What a night last night.

It was wild. Staying in my bed, I stared at the roof, just breathing. Amy and I danced and laughed so much last night. We were flirting something shocking and I remember how much fun we had.

But now I had to get up and get ready. I had a fashion show on today.

I peeked over to my side to happily find my bed with only me in it and smiled. Thank goodness. When I drink too much, I tend to drop my morals too much, bringing people back to mine. Which, thankfully, last night wasn't the case.

Having a shower before my cup of tea, I scrubbed the scent of alcohol of me, lathering myself in a jasmine fragrance. Afterwards, I popped a few painkillers and water while waiting for the kettle and after my tea, I was out the door, heading to the studio.

It was busy and hectic and I barely had time to change properly, my hair getting tugged and someone doing my makeup. I could hear the chatter of the audience as I adjusted my breasts, making them sit properly in the outfit.

There were twenty of us modelling and I was last in each rotation. I didn't mind because I was wearing the masterpieces of each line. I took a little bit longer to get ready.

The girls before me started to walk out, the show starting and Amy and I saw each other, both looking and feeling regretful of our alcohol intake when she smiled widely, giving me the thumbs up and nodding before disappearing again.

Rolling my neck and shoulders, I let one of the seamstress adjust the piece I was wearing, waiting for my turn.

Hair spray was everywhere, light chatter, music could be heard and the designer barking orders.

Then he came to me, Marco, the designer of this line. "Maya, you look gorgeous. I saw the shots from yesterday. Magnificent. An angel." He smiled widely as we air kissed. "Now, strut my stuff!" He demanded as he walked past me, smacking me on my ass cheek.

It didn't affect me, I'm use to Marco doing that and he was no threat. He believes that a vagina is a soul sucker, his actual words, my words are, Marco is the proudest gay man I've come across and I've met a few.

I met Marco a couple years back when I was more inclined to be a lesbian, hanging out with other people like me. That was before I found my inner balance.

Taking a deep breathe, I stepped to the curtain, my gold heels clicking on the wooden stage as I appeared, a wide smile on my face.

Cameras everywhere, flashing, made it hard to see exactly who was in the crowd. But I didn't pay too much attention. I went to the end of the runway and spun around before returning to the back behind the curtain for my next item change.

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