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I spent the next hour very silent as I listened to the chatter.

Tiffany was also quiet as no one really paid her any heed and it was mainly Susie and Harry talking with Patty and Ian.

My appetite left the restaurant an hour ago and I kept my eyes down. I could feel his bore in to me and I wasn't game enough to see if that was the case.

"You're awfully quiet, Maya." Patty smiled at me.

"Uh, yeah." I didn't even offer an explanation. I just couldn't deal. At all. I slept with Susie's step brother. He is sitting across from me. Just how fucking small is this world filled with billions of people. I slept with him in New York, America. Right now, we are both in Queensland, Australia.

I was having a silent freak out.

Tiffany excused herself for the ladies and that's when it all started. It made me slightly worse. I've never been ashamed to be sexually active or even with who I slept with, but this was a sick and twisted joke created by the universe.

"Why did you have to bring her along?" Susie whined at Conrad.

"Don't start, Susie. I couldn't just leave her at the house alone." Conrad snapped at her. I peeked up to see Patty and Ian's reactions and they were both slightly surprised and annoyed with what was happening between their son and daughter.

"You broke up with her. Why did you have to take her back?" Susie pouted and I saw Harry place a hand on hers.

"Look, Susie, this isn't the time nor place for a discussion that's a bit personal."

"Don't give me that cold tone!"

"Alright guys," Ian tried to calm them down as they stared daggers at each other.

"No, dad! I want to know why he brought her along."

"Because I'm doing what's right, alright!" Conrad snapped and I felt something twist inside of me. Susie paused.

"What did you mean, darling?" Patty asked softly to her son.

Conrad sighed. "Now is not the best time mum." He said between gritted teeth. I get it. I'm not a family member and it was obviously a private thing.

Susie went to speak but snapped her jaw shut as I followed her eyes to Tiffany. She smiled flirtatiously at other people, or maybe she was being kind but I heard Susie click her tongue and most likely rolled her eyes too.

Before Tiffany could sit back down, Conrad stood up and thanked everyone for the invite, he was leaving.

I kept my mouth shut, humming out a bye, looking anywhere but him.

"But I want dessert." I heard Tiffany complained and Conrad sighed with what sounded like a growl.

"Make it quick." He told her fiance.
She sat down, pleased with herself and I excused myself to go to the ladies. I looked over at Susie with raised eyebrows, expecting her to get up but she only shrugged at me.

Shaking my head, I went alone, walking in to the room and went straight to the paper towels and ripped some off, wetting it in the running water.

With the wet paper towel, I cooled down my neck, trying to think. Am I 100% sure that Conrad Williams is Mr Hunky? He sure looked like him. But I could be wrong.

"Alright, May, what you need to do is walk out there, your head high. It doesn't matter if it's him or not. You sleep with lots of people. You know lots of people. It is probably someone that looks like him." I told my reflection. I had to go out there and face them. Even if they don't know. I know.

I opened the bathroom door and waltzed out, pushing all my thoughts away and making my way to the table.

Dessert was being served with coffees and I took my seat between Susie and Tiffany. I felt so uncomfortably sitting next to Tiffany and as much as I tried, I couldn't strum together a sentence. I was too afraid my voice might betray me.

Finally, I called it quits and scolded myself for not thinking of this plan earlier.

"Patty, Ian. Always a pleasure." I smiled at them. "But I am going home. I'm exhausted and I hope to see you again real soon."

"Alright dear. It was great seeing you again." Patty smiled in return as she stood up and hugged me.

"We will see you most likely at the hospital." Ian chuckled as I hugged him too, kissing his cheek.

"Yes, when this precious bundle arrives." I agreed then turned to Conrad and Tiffany. "It was nice to formally meet you, Conrad, and you too, Tiffany." I tried to say as nice as possible. "Harry, Susie, I'll see you back at home."

Harry cuddled me and I wrapped my arms around Susie's neck. "Don't get up." I told her at the same time she spoke. "We need to talk."

I gave her a fake smile and a nod. But my stomach twisted even more hoping it's not what has been in my thoughts all night.

Leaving the restaurant, I cabbed it back home, letting Susie have some time with her family before they came back, ready to bombard me with questions.

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