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"Oh, no, I don't want to. Don't make me hand her over. She fell asleep on me. Please!" I begged softly and playfully at Harry as he had his arms outstretched to take Lilly off me.

"Are you going to take her back with you to your hotel room?" Susie joked as she stood up and placed her bag on her shoulder.

"I would say yes, but not tonight."

That was enough for Susie to sit back down, intrigued by my words. "Go on."

I rolled my eyes before smiling down at Lilly as I gently passed her to my brother.

"Lyle flew down with Amy's boyfriend, James and I wanna, catchup." I shrugged, drinking the cold glass of water in front of me.

I think I saw Susie's face drop. "Lyle?"

"Yes, Lyle." I answered her.

"Tall, blonde, blue eyes, rich, playboy, party animal Lyle?"

I sighed and nodded.

"I thought you didn't do relationships?" Susie was interested in this topic and I saw the impatience on my brothers face.

"I don't." Came my whine. Truth be told, I'm trying out something. "Yes, I'm sleeping with Lyle. But that's all. I'm not seeing other people as well, I'm not opening my legs for every person. It's like a repeated monogamous one night stand with Lyle. He knows that and respects that."

Susie pointed to my upper arm then, pouting. "Then why did you get that bar out off your arm?"

"Because I had to. It has to come out after a while and after a couple months, I'll be put back on to contraception."

That means condoms, diaphragms. I suppressed a small shudder. I hated them all.

"Come on Susie." Harry stated. "Lilly may be asleep, but she is getting heavy."

"Yep." Susie got back up and took the bag before wrapping her arms around me for a hug. "I'm happy that you're happy." She whispered to me.

"No, thank you for listening to me." I replied back. When we first organised this dinner, she wanted to invite her parents which I was fine with, but then she said her brother would be in the state with Tiffany and I automatically declined.

I didn't even question why Susie would invite them with Tiffany because I knew they didn't get along.

I've spoken to Tiff here and there, a text message or phone call, but we are both pretty distant with each other.

It took me a little bit longer than I thought to get over that. I didn't realise how much I cared for Tiffany and Conrad till I cut my ties and I spent a while sad about it.

"We'll come and visit soon," Susie stated at me. "On the weekend or something, we should do something. What's the hotel you're staying at?"

I told her and my room number without a second thought.

I farewelled my little family and left the restaurant with them, they got to their car, I caught a taxi to my hotel. I did stay with them for the first two months of being back home, but then work moved a bit more and I needed to be closer to work, so I stayed at hotels.

Paying the taxi driver, I rushed out off the car. I had Lyle coming at eleven tonight and it was only nine thirty. Racing to the elevators to go to my room, I waited patiently for my floor level.

Getting to my room, I went straight for the shower, cleaning myself again and redressing in to a sexy black lingerie set. The whole kaboodle of it all. The lacy and see through bralette that was more show than support, the matching g string, garter belt and stockings. I left my hair down in messy waves and curls and touched up my mascara and lipstick.

I like Lyle, and I know he is a playboy. But I'm a playgirl. I don't believe there is anything wrong with that and there shouldn't be. We both know we aren't in a relationship and we are both fine with that. I know he sees other people, but I don't care. As long as he wears a condom and I don't fall pregnant, I'm happy.

I poured myself a wine and went back to my room, looking over my perfume when I picked up the one I wanted and sprayed it gently on my wrists before adding to my neck then dabbling some between my breasts and thighs.

Sipping my wine, I stared at myself in the mirror, tilting my head and body at every angle, making sure everything is perfect.

I felt a bit light headed and sunk my teeth in to my lip. Taking a deep breathe, I thought about tonight and my time with Susie and Harry. I miss them immensely but I have to work. I've been working with this company for six months now, losing work with Marco a while ago. I still have my apartment in New York and I've been thinking on selling and returning home for good.

I've given myself till I'm twenty five then I'll settle down, have kids and all that, so I have a couple years left. I'll even stay in modelling, doing it as a pregnant woman, a mother. But not before then, I hope.

I was pulled out of my thoughts upon hearing the knock on my door and jumped up in excitement. It wasn't eleven yet, it was just after ten fifteen.

I quickly went to the door, leaving my wine behind and a large smile on my face as I unlocked and swung it open, revealing to the person on the other side me in lacy, extremely see through underwear, trying to look like a sex goddess when my large smile fell, my eyes wide and without hesitation, I slammed the door shut.

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