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I heard the knocking on my door. There was nothing I could do. I couldn't stop Conrad, I couldn't answer the door.

"Maya?" I heard Lyle's voice from the otherside but I couldn't answer at all.

Conrad was fucking me with everything he had. His grunts were primal and feral as the knocking continued.

My hands were released but trapped still between my back and his stomach as my hair was pulled back, making me look at the ceiling.

"Another male, Maya?" He growled at me. "What did I say?"

I didn't answer him because I was too busy trying to keep my moans quiet, pressing my lips together.

The knocking continued to a banging, Lyle calling out to me and all that did was make Conrad go faster and harder. I was a panting mess, yelping and moaning loudly until I felt Conrad shudder and I came with him.

"Fuck, babe, all this disturbance." Conrad growled as I collapsed on the couch, reassessing what just happened.

I didn't look at Conrad but I heard him walk to the door and swing it open.

"Who the fuck are you?" Conrad snarled and I snapped my head up and quickly snatched up the blanket, wrapping it around me.

"Lyle, just leave." I sighed out, making my way to the door, glaring at Conrad. "I'm sorry, but you need to leave."

I don't know what Lyle said, I was too angry at Conrad as he slammed the door, glaring at me. His hand was open on the wooden door as Conrad leaned towards me, making me shrink back.

"I meant it, Maya. No one else." With those words, Conrad left me alone in the hotel while I held my breathe, unsure what had just happened earlier.

It was like he literally claimed me. That I can only have him and no one else and that was what scared me.

In the process of being fucked by him my underwear was no longer on me. My panties completely ruined, my bra on the couch, one of my stockings had a run in it as I held the blanket to me even tighter.

I took a shaky breathe, locking the door and stepping gingerly to the bathroom. Peeling off my stockings, I ran a hot shower and climbed in before dropping to the floor, letting the hot water soothe me.

I was used as a sex toy basically, a sex object. That, I didn't like. I didn't like how Conrad treated me but I consented to it.

I stayed in the steamy shower, the water running over my head, just blankly watching it go down the drain.


"Come on, May!" Amy knocked on the bathroom door.

"We have a plane to board in five minutes!" Was Thea's voice.

I sat back, wiping my mouth with my hand, looking at the gunk I brought up in the toilet bowl.

I didn't feel good at all today and I managed to make it as far as the airport bathroom before being sick.

I had a plane to catch to fly to California from New York and I couldn't leave the bathroom.

Groaning, I flushed the toilet and slowly got up, unlocking the cubicle door and then washing my face.

I felt like shit and looking in the mirror I looked like shit. I could see the green tinge in my skin and my eyelids had a hue of pink to them.

"Oh gawd." I groaned out, rubbing my wet hands to my cheeks before turning on my heel, leaving the bathroom.

"What took ya?" Amy asked me while Thea looked at me in concern.

"I'm fine." I grumbled out. "Let's get on this plane." I picked up my bag that I left with them and we quickly walked across to our gate, handing the stewardess our boarding passes.

"You look pale. Are you getting sick?" Thea asked me once we managed to stop for a breathe.

"I'll be fine." I told her softly. In reality, I knew I wasn't. I knew what was happening and being sick just before confirmed my three day old suspicions.

"You can't be getting sick!" Amy told me as we sat in our seats.

"I'll be fine!" I repeated getting snappy with them. "I'll get over it. It could be the change of seasons too. We only flew back from Brisbane a week ago where it was hot and humid and here is chilly." I gave them a reasonable explanation. It seemed to make them happy because they didn't say anything else.

That night in my hotel room happened four weeks ago and after that, I left, going to Amy's room, crying in to her arms. I didn't tell her what happened, she didn't ask. She held me while I cried hard and heavily.

A week later, I was suppose to go back to the doctors for new contraception. That's when it dawned on me after replaying that night with Conrad in my head over and over, he never used a condom.

So instead of going for a needle, I asked for a pregnancy test and even though the doctor agreed, he warned me that it might be too early to tell. The whole time I've been off the bar, I had one period. But it still wasn't enough to estimate when my next one will be. So both my doctor and I worked out a rough date and that date was a week ago.

Three days ago, the thought loomed in my head. I still had no period.

All I needed to do is pee on a stick to confirm it.

This wasn't my plan. I didn't want kids just yet. I'm about three or four years ahead of myself. I wanted to find someone to love and that loves me, get married, settle down and find a home. Then have babies. That was my list. Now the last is looking to be the first.

My stomach flipped as the plane took off and I made myself go to the bathroom.

"Ma'am, you need to fasten your seat belt." A stewardess said sternly to me as I tried getting past Amy and Thea. Why did I have to have the window seat?

"I, I need the toilet." I told her, one hand on my mouth the other holding a chair.

"Please sit down." I was ordered and right then, I knew, I wasn't going to make it.

I bent over to my bag and emptied the whole lot on to my seat and pulled it to my mouth, emptying my stomach.

"Fuck, Maya! What's wrong with ya?" Amy shrieked at me, jumping back but not going far. It was enough between her loud mouth and my unladylike vomiting to attract attention. "Are you pregnant or something?"

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