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Conrad didn't say anything for a minute before I heard a word I didn't think I would hear. "Okay." I was surprised by it, expecting a stereotypical answer such as that's so hot or any sentence with the word threesome in it.

"Okay?" I repeated, slightly stunned.

"Well yeah. I'm not going to judge you for that. Hell, my own wife is a lesbian."

We both chuckled at that. I watched Conrad sit next to me and I was feeling more relaxed.

"I just don't understand why it's something you would hide."

I frowned at his sentence, trying to word my next one. "I don't hide it, but I don't advertise it either." I told him. "Either I'm sleeping with a male or a female. I don't go out and tell every soul that I'm bisexual."

I didn't want to talk about myself anymore. Getting up, I decided it's best that I leave and go back home.

I felt a hand take mine and I stopped, turning to Conrad. "Where are you going?"

"Home?" I laughed, not too sure why I asked it instead of saying it.


I bit on my lip, not knowing what to say. Sighing, I agreed. "Fine."

Conrad shot up off the couch and walked over to the end table, turning the lamp on. "Are you hungry?"

"Not really."

There however was something I wanted to ask and it was purely out of curiosity. "I heard you might be a dad." As soon as the words flew out of my mouth, I knew I didn't say that right and Conrad froze in his actions before turning his head to me.


"I mean..." My eyes were wide in horror. "Not-"

"Are you pregnant?" He asked me blankly. I didn't even know there was a way of asking that question with no emotion. I thought it would be an automatic happy response out of someone. It's equivalent to trying to say bubbles while angry. Impossible.

"No!" I gasped. "I'm not pregnant. I'm on contraception."

"Then what the fuck are you on about?" I could tell by his tone that Conrad was annoyed and I looked at him confused.

"Um, Tiffany said her aunt wants heirs." Was all that I could stumble out.

Conrad relaxed as he processed what I had said. "Yeah. I've forgotten about that."

"How can you forget about such an important topic such as that?"

Conrad grinned and sat back on the sofa. "Easy. We discussed it and we have come to a decision. We've decided that since Tiff doesn't actually want children, we are telling her aunt that she can't produce children."

I was flabbergasted. "Just like that? Tiffany never said that to me."

"What Tiffany and I decide in our marriage is our business, no one else's." Conrad snapped at me and I took that harshly.

"I know that!" I growled at him. "I'm only saying what she said to me as we are friends. I'm not making her do anything she doesn't want to do. I'm not her aunt!" I was yelling now, stung by his words. "I was making a simple conversation with you over this because she was highly stressed about it, worrying to me over it all. It isn't always about you!" With that, I turned on my heel and went for the front door. My hand on the door knob when Conrad spoke again in a calmer tone.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind kids, but while I'm married to Tiffany, I shouldn't have any. I was excited when she told me, devastated that we had that conclusion. I'm sorry for snapping." I didn't face Conrad but I didn't open the door either. I just stayed there. I was processing why his tone had hurt me.

Then it clicked. His tone hurt me because it was sad. Conrad wants kids but has decided not to have any while he was married to Tiffany. I frowned, maybe out of pity, but it was enough for my heartstrings to be plucked.

I turned back to Conrad, my top teeth sinking in to my bottom lip.

"Don't give me your pity look, Maya." Was his stern tone. "I don't want that from you."

His voice was harsh and it made me gasp inwards, hurting me emotionally. I knew why it was hurting to hear his words and how he said them, but I didn't want to admit it.

"No, you don't. You want sex from me. That's all you want." Even I was astounded by my own words.

Conrad sneered, his face now cold, like it was when I was first introduced to him through Susie. "That's a bold statement from someone that doesn't want a relationship."

Pouting, I shook my head, my anger flaring. There were many things I wanted to say, yell even but instead, I left. I opened the front door and left.

Walking briskly to the elevator nearby, I pushed the button and waited a couple seconds for the doors to open. Stepping in, I pushed the button I was after, seeing Conrad enter the hall.

"Maya, come back." He called but I stayed still, watching him as the doors closed then blankly staring at the steel doors.

I don't want a relationship. I don't know why I even said that. But for some strange reason, I was hurt to think that all Conrad wanted from me was sex. I should know that, because that's all I expect from people. All I wanted from everyone else was sex.

Taking a deep breathe, I forced the tears to stay in my eyes, fuming about what happened. I was angry. Angry at myself.

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