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I dropped to my knees, crying, bawling actually, holding my precious cargo, assuming she was with the nanny. But when I looked up, my face wet and a mess, I saw none other than Conrad.

Confused, my mouth agape, no words could come out. I held Ang closer to me as Conrad looked at me, annoyed as he took off his jacket.

"Mummy, I miss you." She giggled, not letting me go.

"What are you doing here, Maya." Conrad asked me and all I could think about was the couple having sex in our bed.

"Who else is here?" I asked him.


"I came in and saw you, screwing someone else in our bed." I hissed at him, standing up but not releasing my daughter.

Conrad frowned in annoyance, stepping to our room and opened the door. I stayed planted on the spot as his voice echoed through the apartment.

Quickly covering Evangeline's ears, I heard it all.

"What the hell is going on here?" Conrad boomed out. Within seconds, the two people scurried out of the bedroom and I gasped at who I saw. Sherrie, Evangeline's nanny and some random male.

My eyes darted to Conrad and I could see how pissed he was. His eye was twitching, his face screwed up. Then he lunged at the male.

"You! You were the one that's been sleeping with my wife!" Conrad roared and I quickly took Evangeline with me to Conrad's study.

Kneeling down to her, I told her to behave and to stay there before joining the drama.

I had no intentions of actually joining, I however wanted to listen because I apparently have been sleeping with this man that I've never seen before.

I saw Conrad punch the man, Sherrie yelling for them to stop and I just watched, like a fly on the wall.

"Don't you ever touch my wife again!" Conrad snarled at him and my heart was beating fast, but not because of the violence Conrad showed, but because he was defending me.

"Please, sir, let me explain!" Sherrie cried out and Conrad turned to her.

"You," he pointed at the nanny. "You are fired! Get out now! Both of you."

I watched as they scurried to the door and that's when the male saw me, heading to me.

I felt him take my hand and I recoiled, pulling away.

"Maya, don't be like that, love." He said proudly to me as I glared at him, confused.

"Don't call me love. I don't even know who you are." I stated, stepping away. I could hear Evangeline crying in Conrad's study and my maternal instincts were to go straight to her. "My husband told you both to leave."

I saw how Conrad glared at me. "You too, Maya."

Then my heart broke. "What?" I chocked out.  "No!"

"Is he not your lover?" Was the sneer and each word felt like a dagger in me.

"No!" I screamed at him at the same time the man said yes.

"Get out!" Conrad roared at him as I did, both of us pointing to the door. Sherrie stared at her lover, gobsmacked.

"No, sir, it's not true! It can't be true!" She cried out at Conrad. "He even told me that! He had never met her, just an obsessive man. Oh my, that's why you were sleeping with me, to get to Maya!" The realisation dawned on Sherrie's face.

I was speechless and going of Conrad's face, he was too.

Evangeline was now screaming and every cell in my body wanted to go to her.

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