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I smiled and laughed, holding a champagne glass and pretended to sip out of it. I was actually quite pissed with myself because I knew I couldn't drink alcohol.

Every now and then Amy would swoop in and swap my champagne for water and each time I gave her a dirty a look.

All she did in return was smile innocently and shrug her shoulders.

I mingled with other models and designers, laughing at their corny jokes. I was having a good time. That was until I heard my phone beep and I decided to look at it.

Opening the app, I saw it was from Tiffany. Are you in LA?

Yes. Was all I replied back.

I know you said you are working the next three weeks, but can you pop in to my company in LA?

I let the message sit and googled Tiffany's company location. There was one in LA and I bit my bottom lip.

That's if you want to. I have a photo shoot set up there and I really want you to do it. I'll pay you big $.

Was the next text. I hesitated for a few minutes.

Then it was the chatter from a group of people that caught my attention.

"...Lorraine Travers...."

"Wow. I can't believe she made it this far."

"Her niece, Tiffany, she is the heir. She is now CEO of Cherie, the owner."

I interrupted their conversation as the three people looked at me. "Excuse me, but what was that about Lorraine Travers?" I asked nicely.

"Oh, you don't know?" One of the males asked me and I shook my head, my heart racing in my chest.

"Aren't you friends with Tiffany?" A female, I knew as Dinah asked me.

"Well, yes..."

"Her aunt, Lorraine, passed away a couple hours ago."

I froze. I should have been thinking about Tiffany then. How she would be sad and mournful but the first thing that came to mind was Conrad and a possible divorce.

I took out my phone and answered Tiffany. I'm on my way now.

I scolded myself for not thinking about my friend on this sad occasion. I apologised to the host of the party and seeked out Amy, pulling her away from the crowd to have some privacy.

"Amy, I need to go." I said, worried now about Tiffany.

I saw the concern over her face. "Are you okay? Sick?"

I shook my head. "No. It's Tiffany. Her aunt passed away today. I need to... be a friend. I haven't been a good friend to her lately."

Amy now looked at me in sympathy. "Okay. Go. Give me a call when you can."

I nodded in agreement and slipped out off the party, hailing a cab and going to Tiffany's company in LA.

Upon my Google search, I found out there were three companies in America that she controls. I bit my bottom lip, waiting for the car ride to finish and once I was at my stop, I threw the driver some money and scrambled out, looking at the tall building.

It was all dark except what looked like the fifth floor and I rang Tiff, letting her know I was at the entrance.

I only had to wait for five minutes when I saw her open the front door, letting me in. I immediately engulfed her in a hug, giving her my condolences.

But I didn't hear any cries from Tiffany. She was just a blank slate.

"Are you okay?" I asked her softly and she nodded. Her eyes were red as if she had already cried earlier.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Tiffany shrugged. "I knew you were busy." She said softly.

We made our way to the elevators, letting Tiffany lead.

"So was there really a photo shoot?" I asked her softly.

Tiffany shook her head. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't really ask for you. I know things have been very bumpy with us."

I felt so guilty then. "Oh, Tiff, you could have just asked. I know things have been tough, but all you have to do is ask."

The elevator doors opened and we stepped out in to a lit hallway of some sorts as Tiffany led me to the correct room. Inside was a large office with a huge wooden desk. The desk was cluttered in paperwork and a bottle of scotch.

"You've been drinking." I whispered looking at the messy table.

"I don't know how to cope, Maya." That was when Tiffany broke down. She collapsed on to the chair and dropped her head into her hands crying.

I raced over to her, squatting down t o her. "It's okay, Tiff, it will be because they aren't really gone. They are with us in spirit, always." I told her. "Each day will get easier, the pain will be less." I recited the same words Conrad told me at my dad's funeral last year.

Then I heard Tiffany laugh and that left me confused.

"I'm sorry," she giggled. "I'm not upset about that. It was a really strained relationship with my aunt. I'm upset because of what she did to me."

With wide eyes, I stared at Tiffany, my hands on her knees, I waited for her to continue after I whispered out what did she do?

"She, she, oh fuck! I can't divorce Conrad!"

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