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I hightailed it out off the stairwell, going down to the level I needed and exited.

Going straight for the cafe, I waited in line, feeling overheated, flushed and guilty all over again.

I tried not to think on what happened on the stairs as I stuttered out what I needed to the person serving me.

I had become a shell and after accepting the cup tray with two teas and a bottle of diet Coke, I slowly made my way back up to the waiting room next to birth suite.

Conrad was already there, a scowl on his face, looking at his phone as I handed Patty her tea and her twenty dollars.

Patty frowned at me and I smiled innocently, well, I tried to, at her before giving Ian his coke.

I sat next to dad and handed him his tea and pulled out my phone after placing the cup tray on the table.

Opening up my messages, I texted Amy, not sure if she is up or not.

I need mental help! I typed on my phone to her before sending it.

I did it again. Not completely.

We kissed in a stairwell.

In a hospital!

While waiting for a baby!

I nearly got....lost.

I sent each text, not waiting to see if Amy would reply.

I'm serious!

Lock me up and through away the keys!

I can still work.

Just take photos of me in my new sexy paper underwear!

I was mentally kicking myself. I know better. I have better morals and standards. Yeah, I may sleep around a lot, but I still have rules.

My phone bleeped and I opened the notification instantly.

Bitch, tryna get laid....

Bitch, I'm serious!

Sighing, I locked my phone and picked up an old magazine, pretending to read it, flicking through the pages.

We have been at the hospital for going on four hours now and I was bored out of my mind. And horny. I'm so fucking horny! I just want to grab the very next person that walks in to this room and drag them away and have my way with them.

Unfortunately, the very next person was my brother, Harry and I gave myself a pass.

We all looked up at him, excited, expecting him to talk. His face had an ear to ear grin.

"Well?" Patty asked, standing up.

"It's a girl!" He screamed at us and we all laughed and smiled, cheering at the happy moment.

I jumped up and hugged my brother, squeezing him tightly. We all said congratulations and then the next round of the same question started.

"When can we go in to meet her?"

"Soon." Harry smiled. "Susie is getting cleaned up and then they are moving her to the maternal suite."

We were all smiles then, happy in the moment.

Slowly shuffling when we could to maternity, I allowed Susie's family to go first, giving them some time first and also so we weren't overcrowding.

Dad was grinning ear to ear, being a proud grandfather and it made me grin genuinely at him. He was so happy. I couldn't blame him, letting him be proud.

That's when I noticed Conrad was still in the room and I frowned, thinking he went with his parents.

After fifteen minutes, Patty ad Ian reappeared, both proud as punch as well and said their goodbyes to dad and me. I hoped they dragged Conrad along as well, but he stayed put.

So I ushered dad in, telling him I'll be in there after him. Yeah, I'm that kind of considerate person.

I let dad spend some time with Harry, Susie and their little newborn girl.

Conrad and I didn't speak and when dad returned, Conrad had beat me to the punch and I snarled, dropping back down in my seat. I didn't want to go in with him.

"Are you coming?" Conrad asked me and I looked up at him in surprise.

"Uh, no." I sneered at him.

"Maya! Don't be rude." Dad chastised me.

I turned to dad, trying to play nice. "I'm not being rude. I'm just letting Conrad have some privacy with his new niece." I hissed out.

"Billy, it's alright." Conrad smiled at dad. "I can take Maya home. Saves you waiting around for her."

My eyes widened and my heart jumped in to my throat.

"Why thank you, Conrad. How very nice of you."

"Uh, but, dad..." I couldn't think of an excuse to keep dad here or an excuse why Conrad couldn't take me back home.

"Nonsense. Besides, I've gotta figure out how to put a baby seat in the car for Harry. It's been a long time since I've done that and they have changed dramatically since then." Dad stated as he got up.

I winced, a small and strange noise exiting my throat. Conrad had left the room, presumably going to Susie as I watched dad leave.

"Uh... no." I whispered to his back. Oh fuuuuuuck, I sung in my head. It is also because, honestly, I don't trust myself!

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breathe, I went to Susie's room and slowly snuck in, plastering a huge smile on my face.

"Hey!" I whispered loudly just as Conrad stood away from Harry. Harry held the little gem in his hands and involuntarily, my arms went up and I took the baby girl.

Staring down at her, she was asleep and looked so innocent. Her skin a bit pinky red, her hair slightly blonde and her cheeks were so chubby.

"Maya, meet your niece, Lillian Rose." Harry said softly to me and I felt the tears come through.

"That's so beautiful." I whispered to the new parents, a small smile on my face.

I made sure to stay as far away as Conrad as I could, nursing the baby, looking between Lillian, Susie and Harry.

"She is perfect, guys. Congratulations." I told them.

"Harry, can you get me something sweet? An iced tea probably." Susie asked Harry in a sweet tone. Harry nodded and left the room as I placed Lillian in to Susie's arms.

"I should go." I stated then, slightly nervous. "I'm gonna help dad with this car seat."

I went to leave the room when Susie spoke. "Wait right there." She snapped, her soft tone now gone.

I froze, ashamed on not looking at her.

"What happened?"

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