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After mine and Hadley's private fiesta in the bedroom, we were dressed again, walking back to the main room hand in hand, close to each other and laughing.

No one noticed we were gone for a while and if they did, no one said anything. The room had about thirty people in it, slightly squashed if we didn't spread out and I sat on the couch, Amy one side of me, Hadley on the other as I placed my hand on her leg just above her knee as she twisted herself towards me and Amy.

The room was a mixture of males and females and some of the men were good eye candy, a couple people I had recognised as colleagues and even sexual partners, but I decided not to do anything as I was here with Hadley.

My tension release earlier with Hadley played no guilt on me towards my warped relationship with Conrad because to me, it was just sex. Not a relationship. We aren't dating or exclusive. Conrad to me is the same as Hadley, and any other person I have slept with.

But deep down, he is still Mr Hunky.

As the hours ticked by, people slowly leaving, stumbling and laughing through the door, I took no notice who came and left.

Hadley had to leave as she had an early start the next day and Amy took her home, sharing a taxi.

I felt someone sit next to me as I sipped at my wine and smiled when it registered to me it was Tiffany.

"Hey." I greeted, placing the wine glass down.

"Tonight went alright, didn't it?" She asked me in concern.

"Yes. It was fun. I met new people." I laughed and relaxed on the couch. I could sense that Tiffany was stressing, her body rigid and what looked to be a fake smile on her face. "What's wrong? Why are you so tense?"

"Oh, it's nothing." She tried brushing me off and took her wine and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Alright, spit it up. What's eating at you?" I glared at Tiffany as she sighed, her shoulders slumping.

"My aunt. Now that I respected her wishes on getting married, she now wants me to give out heirs. Lots of them."

I frowned as her words processed at me.

"Wait. Kids?" Woah. "She wants you to have a baby?"

Tiffany nodded. "Yeah. She may be sick and old and frail, but I think it's just one wish I can't fulfil."

"Does, Conrad know?" My attention was wholly on Tiffany.

"Yeah. It's a problem we are trying to sort out. But I don't know if we can... you know?"

I let out a small chuckle. "This is the twenty first century, Tiffany. You can create a baby without having sex."

"Oh, that's just the first dilemma. What if I don't want kids?"

That stumped me. "Have you spoken to your aunt about that?"

Tiffany went to answer me when her attention was waved elsewhere and she excused herself, getting up and heading to that person.

I watched silently while sipping at my wine as Tiffany thanked some people for coming, seeing them to the door.

Tiffany looked plagued by her latest problem with her aunt and even though I've never met the woman, I knew she was a vicious type. Well, in the business world. I would have pegged her to be more caring and understanding towards her family.

Placing my now empty glass on the table, still facing Tiffany who was at the door, I didn't see the person that sat down next to me as my back was turned to them.

I was worried for my friend and in a way, I'm glad Tiffany is my friend, despite me sleeping with her husband a handful of times and me keep telling myself it needs to stop.

Tiffany didn't return back to me to talk anymore, her attention focused on other people and I went to stand up to leave as well when I felt a hand on my shoulder, pushing me back down.

Startled, I turned to my left, seeing who it was when a frown crossed my face.



"What are you doing here?" I don't know why I asked that, I know why. He lives here and Conrad even said that.

"I know that." I snapped out a bit harshly. "Can I stand up or is your hand going to be staying on my shoulder?"

"What are you doing here?" He asked me, eyeing me of suspiciously.

"Because your wife invited me." Came my sarcastic tone.

"I think we need to talk."

I grimaced at his words, suddenly a feeling of guilt and pity sitting in the pit of my stomach. "Actually, I don't think we do."

Conrad removed his hand and took mine, pulling me up off the sofa as he partially dragged me to Tiffany just as she closed the front door from farewelling one of her guests.

"Let me go." I hissed under my breathe at him, but Conrad ignored it, stopping in front of Tiffany.

Tiffany looked at us in surprise. I didn't look for long, instead I looked away, pouting.

"Tiff, you wouldn't mind if I steal Maya for a few minutes, would you?" Was Conrad's dark tone and I was left confused as to why he was sounding so angry.

"Oh, are you gonna try and flirt your way in to her pants again." Tiffany laughed and I registered the teasing. I gasped and went to say something when she continued. "Just so you know, Con, she doesn't tend to swing your way lately. What do you want with my friend?" The last sentence was more serious and I stared horrified at her from the first sentence.

"Just to have a chat."

I peeked over at Conrad's face to see that grin he makes when suddenly he frowned. "What do you mean she doesn't tend to swing my way lately?"

I couldn't talk. I couldn't shut them up. I wanted to escape his grip and leave but it was tight holding my hand.

"That...." Tiffany saw my face and immediately I knew she knew and her whole attitude, her body language and her voice changed. "Is not my place to say."

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