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Susie comes home today. I am so excited. I helped dad with the housework, vacuuming the place out while Harry is at the hospital, helping Susie. Little Lillian will be coming home to her new house.

I was up extra early, got a large pot of tea ready and after I had my cup, I tied my hair back, got dressed and started cleaning, quietly.

I dusted the shelves, also looking at the photos in here. I miss my mum and I want to talk to her, but all she is now is a tree in the back yard.

I picked up each photo, cleaning it and the shelf, smiling lovingly at the memories. Harry and I as kids, mum on her wedding day with my biological dad, Billy with his first wife and their child. Such sad moments have happened and now there is a happy one to join us.

Dad looked uncomfortable with watching me and I told him if he must help, he can do the dishes and make himself breakfast.

"Are you eating, bumblebee?"

"No thanks dad. I had fruit earlier." I answered him, picking up the glass cleaner spray bottle.

"That won't do."

"Oh, it will. I didn't want to wake you earlier so I had a handful of grapes, an apple, also a mandarin."

"I suppose. There's next to nothing on you."

I smiled widely at dad. "I'm a model dad. I need to stay this size." I laughed.

"I guess so." Dad knows I am a model. But what he doesn't know is I model in underwear. Skimpy, lacy, next to nothing underwear. I didn't start out in that one, but I never told dad because I didn't want to worry him. I didn't really want him to know that his little bumblebee flaunts her asserts around as a job.

At least I'm not a porn star.

I went to the back verandah and assessed what needed to be down. Mum's tree had leaves and bottlebrush every Where from the native birds and I swept and cleaned up.

The day moved along slowly and after lunch, I heard cars pulling up. I knew Patty and Ian were coming over today as well and I prayed so hard that there son wasn't joining us because I didn't want to be near him.

I invited Patty and Ian in, kissing and hugging, showing them to the lounge room and had a quick chat before another car pulled up.

Excusing myself, I went to the kitchen and made tea, looking out the window to the front. Frowning on who I saw, I wasn't highly impressed.

My mood darkened at Conrad's appearance and my stomach flipped.

"Stop that." I mumbled to myself.

"Stop what, dear? Are you alright?"

I turned to see Patty entering the kitchen.

"Yes." Came my wide smile. "Cramps. Just not my day, today." I lied, rubbing my lower stomach.

Patty gave me a nod and a look of sympathy, understanding the feminine problems. Then she saw Conrad through the kitchen window.

"Oh, Conrad did come. He wasn't sure if he was going to make it. Excuse me, dear."

I nodded eagerly at her.

Pouring the boiling hot water in to the teapots, I placed the tea bags in and everything on the tray and carried it out to the lounge room.

Placing the tray on an ottoman, I straightened up as Patty and Conrad joined us. I simply turned my back and went for the kitchen, looking for snacks.

Opening pantry doors, I can across a few packets of biscuits and pulled them out, emptying them on to the plate and with a deep breathe, I entered the lounge room again, pretending that I never met Conrad.

What sucks the most is, I can't make an excuse to leave since this is my family home. I'm not at Ian and Patty's place, I'm not at the hospital. But I am surrounded by people. I just have to stay near them.

I sat down, not saying much, listening to the parents talk when I heard another car. A very familiar car. Harry's car.

"Excuse me." I nearly shouted, jumping to my feet and bolting out the front door, I went to Harry and Susie, jumping from one foot to the other, my arms out.

"Come on, come on, come on." I chanted impatiently.

"Someone is eager." Harry laughed as he opened the door behind him.

"I want cuddles." I half lied. It was the truth, but I wanted to be occupied and staring at this perfect creation is a good distraction.

Harry carefully placed Lillian in my arms and I held her protectively, heading to the front door.

I walked slowly, rocking her to and fro softly, cooing at her. Lillian stayed asleep, her eyelashes resting on her chubby cheeks and I smiled adoringly at her.

"So perfect." I whispered as Harry and Susie joined me, entering the house.

"Just you wait and have your own, May." Susie smiled at me.

"Not for a very long time yet." I answered, looking up to make sure I knew where I was going.

All eyes were on me. Dad, Patty, Ian and Conrad as I felt myself blush.

"I suppose. Don't wanna ruin that body just yet, hey?" Susie teased me as she went to her parents.

I gave her a weak smile in agreement, feeling Conrad staring at me but I refused to acknowledge him. This body rakes in plenty of money just the way it is. I don't need to be ballooning out any time soon.

After a few minutes, I regrettably agreed to hand Lillian over and sat on the empty three seater sofa. Everyone was cooing over the new precious cargo and after a long hour, Patty and Ian left, Susie disappeared to feed bub and Harry and Conrad were talking with dad so I excused myself, leaving the room.

I nearly made it to my room when I heard Susie call out to me. I turned to her open door, seeing her on the bed and entered.

"Hey." I smiled at her.

Susie held Lillian upright, patting her on the back and rocking her as well.

"Harry said you might only be staying for two weeks now."

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