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We were both walking in a fast pace back to the church. I couldn't understand why I had to be a part of this. I wasn't impressed by it either.

Even if I chose not to be a part of it, I had no say. Not by the grip Conrad had on my hand.

We saw a small crowd of people and Conrad darted into a room to avoid them as we went down the hall before he opened a door and led me inside.

There I saw Tiffany sitting on a small sofa, waiting for us. She stood up upon seeing us, offering me a seat.

"What's going on?" I asked her, confused.

"Conrad and I have been speaking about Lorraine's will and we have come to a decision." Tiff told me in a blank manner.

I sat on the edge of the sofa, Conrad next to me standing. "What's that got to do with me?" Was my annoyed tone.

"Well, we have decided that I'm staying as the executive of the companies as Con already has his own companies to control. Hence why he has been so busy. I don't want children, nothing will change my mind and before this week happened, I already had planned on handing my company to Conrad's children."

I froze at the last sentence. Does she know? Does he know? They weren't letting on that they did know. Maybe it was all a coincidence.

"So, either way, things are back to normal."

"Still, my question hasn't been answered." I stated to them.

"Maya," Conrad called to me, making me look at him. "It means that Tiff and I can finally and officially be divorced."

Those weren't the words I was thinking to be said. I didn't know how to feel about it. It meant that all my rules I've been setting no longer matter. It means that whenever I sleep with Conrad, I won't have the chance of being called a homewrecker or a mistress.

It means that Conrad is available.

"Excuse me?" I stuttered out. "What is wrong with you people?" I stood up, angry at them both. "Why are you both so adamant on my relationship status?" With that angry question, I left the room, slamming the door behind me, marching through the church, leaving the funeral altogether.

I can't understand why both of them are in on this. I took a taxi to my hotel, confused, angry and frustrated that this was happening. My own friend was trying to control my life and she was doing it with her best friend. Conrad may not care that Tiffany was controlling his life, but I cared.


I read through the email sent to me. It was my contract with another underwear company.

I finally told Amy my secret and she fisted the air screaming in joy saying she knew it. Obviously she had her suspicions as well.

But I also told Thea because she is my agent and I told her that I'll need more work in the coming months and no one wants to hire a fat model.

Obviously that's not the case, but to me, I will be getting fatter. I just hope I can get my body back afterwards.

Thea wasn't as pleased about the news but she agreed to look for more work that was also in the maternity range.

One company snapped me up straight away, sending me a contract and photos will start within the week.

I was surprised by this because I wasn't that far along. I had just hit the three month mark.

I've looked at myself in the mirror naked earlier and saw the little bump that is my stomach. If anything, I look like I've over eaten. But the evidence is quite clear if I wore anything tight enough.

I am pregnant.

Plus it's not something I want to make public. I have a public appearance on the first Friday of December and thank goodness for jackets to help cover this belly.

I've yet to tell Harry and Susie. They will be concerned, yet ecstatic. They'll ask me questions that Amy already has such as how far am I and who's the father. Questions I dont want to answer just yet.

I know this is a reality and it's here, but I'm still wrapping my head around it. I'm going to keep the baby, raise the baby, on my own if I have to.

I'm okay with that.

I have to be.

It was only a week after the photo shoot that I was back up on billboards in my underwear.

Well, not underwear, really, more like lingerie for pregnant women.

Amy already sent me a text, telling me I was looking hot and sexy, obviously she had seen the adverts already. Amy stayed with Marco when I moved on months ago. She even went on holiday leave and came with me when I went to Australia.

Christmas was just around the corner and I looked around my apartment. This will be my last Christmas here. I decorate every year, but I spend it with my family. This year will be the last time I'll decorate the place, deciding on moving back to Australia.

I'll stick around till it's time for me to fly home for Christmas, then I'll come back and sell the apartment.

I did up my jacket and stepped out off my apartment, ready to head to the Rockerfella Center. I wasn't hosting or anything, but I had to make an appearance, according to Thea. So that's what I'll do.

After the tree was lit and everyone cheered and clapped, me being spotted by several people, I sighed and called it a night.

I was tired. Genuinely tired.

The streets were busy, the shops all lit up and I decided to walk home in the chilly weather for the exercise. I smiled at some people in a courteous manner, the shop windows making me grin with their designs when I felt a strange sensation come over me.

I turned in a full circle, the feeling of being watched made my skin crawl. I stepped faster in my original direction, my head high, trying not to panic.

Then I heard someone call out my name and I frowned, pausing in my steps before turning behind me.

I saw who was coming at me and I wasn't sure if I was relieved or annoyed.

Relieved because I wasn't being watched, just someone trying to catch up with me. Annoyed because the person trying to catch up to me was Conrad.

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