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I heard the chuckle through the door and the person knocked again.

I dropped my head, shaking it slightly. "Oh god." I muttered out. "What do you want?" I called out to him.

"Open the door, Maya."

Snarling, I stepped away from the door and looked around me for something to cover me up with. I snatched the small throw blanket off the couch and wrapped it around me before going back to the door.

"Open the door, Maya." He repeated just as I did open the door.

"What the hell?" I asked him. His skin was tanned more than last time I saw him, his dark brunette hair was still styled the same and I saw the amusement in his blue eyes as they roamed over me.

"Conrad." I said tightly as he pushed his way inside. "Come in." I added sarcastically, closing the door with a bit of force. "How the hell did you know..." I didn't need to finish the sentence. I knew the answer. "Susie." I snarled out.

Conrad turned and faced me after checking out my hotel suite. "Yes." Was all he said, shoving his hands in his pocket.

Conrad still looked as good as ever but I was too annoyed over the fact that Susie told him where I was.

"I seriously think you should go." I snapped at him. Annoyance was all that I was feeling right now.

"I seriously think we should talk." He threw back at me.

I sighed, walking to my wine glass and picking it up. "There is nothing to talk about."

"So you don't want to talk about the fact that you basically broke up with me through my best friend who is my wife?"

I snorted then. "No! You don't get to throw that at me. I told you several times I didn't want to be your mistress, that I wasn't comfortable with what was happening and we didn't break up because we were never in a relationship!" I wanted to scream at him. I don't know what it is, but when Conrad is around, I'm all worked up, wanting him but as soon as he talks, I get so irritated.

"So who are you waiting for since you weren't expecting me?" Was his cocky tone but it didn't match his facial expression. Conrad looked pissed.

"None of your business. Now you need to leave." I held the blanket tighter to me, trying not to expose anything.

I watched as Conrad took a step closer then again until he was directly in front of me. I didn't back down and kept eye contact with him, my lips pressed together. I could smell him and it was so intoxicating. My head started to become a scattered mess, confusing what I wanted realistically to what I wanted sexually.

"I've given you space, Maya. Plenty of time to cool down. But don't think for a minute that you can leave me behind."

"I can and I will." I whispered, fully aware of how close Conrad's face is to mine.

"Let's make one thing very clear, Maya." I watched as Conrad's head came closer and I could feel his hands on my arms, making me stay in the same spot. I tried to step back, but Conrad pulled me to him, making me land against him as I gasped, my eyes wide like, staring at him. "You are mine." Was his sentence. Conrad's face was blank, glaring at me.

"You are married." I replied back, annoyed at his statement.

"That means nothing! For fuck sake Maya, get it through your fucking head! It's a marriage of convenience to shut Tiffany's aunt up! I agreed to marry her so she could keep her company! Otherwise it would be you!" Then with that statement, Conrad smashed his mouth against mine, leaving me surprised at the assault. I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me.

I felt his fingers digging into me so hard, I gasped, opening my mouth. That was all that Conrad needed, slipping his tongue in.

I wanted to fight him yet I also wanted to melt in to him, feelings from months ago resurfacing.

I felt him suck my bottom lip into his mouth before he sunk his teeth in softly then Conrad released it, slowly pulling away. I glared up at him, feeling his hands wonder to mine where I held the blanket together, covering myself.

Conrad gently tugged it away at first but I gripped it tighter until he yanked it, throwing it away, leaving me exposed. His mouth went to my neck immediately, sucking hard at my skin, biting me as well, hard enough for me to yelp out at the pain.

I tried to push Conrad off me but all he did was take my hands and pulled them away, making me step back until I was between him and a wall.

"You are and will always be mine, Maya." Conrad whispered harshly in to my ear. "This is what I'm willing to let you do." I felt his hand release mine and he placed it on my chin, making me look at him. "That slutty piece you have on better be for me. If not, I'm fine with that, as long as it's another woman. You can screw any woman you want, hell, even Tiffany, but you will not be sleeping with any more males. The only male you'll be fucking is me. Am I clear?"

I could feel the lump in my throat as I glared at Conrad. I was no longer annoyed. I was furious, but turned on as well.

I didn't get to answer. My lips were covered with Conrad's. His hand released my chin and took away my hand that was trying to push him off me.

"Behave." He warned me as he tugged me over to the couch.

It happened so fast. Conrad spun me, his hand repositioning in mine, my back against him and his wet lips on my neck.

I could feel his erection against me and I let out a small moan.

"Tell me you don't want this." Conrad dared me. He had managed to get both of my hands behind my back, held together with his large hand. His other hand roamed all over me, his fingers brushing my hair from my neck, his lips placing wet and salty kisses on my skin. I felt his hand glide to my bra strap and with a quick pinch of the material, the clasp was undone but Conrad made no attempt to remove my bra.

The way my hands were pinned together behind me made me feel his erection as he grinded that against me.

"Do you want this?" He asked, thrusting his hips into my hands. I felt the wetness in my panties, slowly creeping down my legs. I was panting, trying to suppress what was overcoming me.

I wanted to answer him but I didn't know what to say.

"Tell me, Maya. Do you want this? If not, just say so and I'll leave." I could hear the seriousness in his tone, knowing he was asking a genuine question.

"Yes." I mumbled out.

"Louder." Conrad's breathe was back in my ear and I moaned again, gripping what I could of his erection in my hands.

"I want it."

Without a second though, I felt Conrad step back, his hand still holding mine but his other now gone from my body then it entered my g string and with a mighty tug, I felt the tiny threads of the elastic give out, loosening. I felt Conrad's hand on my back, pushing me downwards and the moan or growl that left his throat as his hand went to my joint, feeling exactly how wet I was.

Then Conrad entered me. It was harsh and possessive and he didn't stop till his demands on making me scream came true.

That One Night StandTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang