22. Mr. & Mrs. Malik

Magsimula sa umpisa

He shrugs. “Okay, so then I won’t kiss. Since you hate that too.”

I shake my head. “Nu-uh, I never said anything about kissing. I like the kissing.” I say with a smirk and add. “And I love the touching.”

Zayn chuckles. “I like it too. Very much.” He brings his hands to my face and slowly moves towards me. I can feel his breath on my face, coming closer and closer. I can’t wait any longer and practically slam my lips on his, having missed his lovely lips that taste so sweetly.

We’ve completely forgotten that we are in the middle of the class room until we hear a few whistles and barf sounds and then suddenly we hear a very angry but anxious, high-pitched voice. “OUT! Out of my classroom!”


Once we arrive at Zayn’s family house I feel the anxiety in my stomach. When Zayn told me that he wanted me to meet his parents I didn’t think it would be the very next day! I hoped I had some time to prepare for it, but that would probably only make it worse. Because, in the few hours I've known about this, I already imagined all the worst scenarios in my head. And they terrify me.

I just hope a miracle happens; that Zayn’s parents will like me. Zayn will only introduce me as a friend, but I still want them to like me. I want the start to be good. I want to be a part of Zayn’s life, aside from school.

I suddenly realize, as I am about the meet his parents, that Zayn and I haven’t even been on a real date. Whenever we see each other outside of school it is always at my house. At school we are as ‘out and proud’ as we can be, but outside of school it’s completely different. To be honest, I haven’t even considered going on a date. I like it too much when he is in my house. In my room. Preferably on my bed.

But as much as I may like to be alone with Zayn in my room, it shouldn’t only be like that. We should do more than making out and arguing. We should go on a date and we shouldn’t be afraid of people’s reactions. But is that possible? Is Zayn ready for that? What if he sees someone from the mosque? His friends? And what if I see my friends? I don’t think either of us can handle that right now. We have to take little steps and I feel like we are finally making those steps.

Maybe we can be more open in a while. I would love if it I could just kiss him in front his family. I don’t know if that can or will ever happen, but I can hope for it.

For now, I just really need to make a good impression. Luckily I only have to impress the folks. His sisters are at grandma and I can’t be more relieved. I don’t think I can handle his parents and sisters in one afternoon. Let alone his whole family.

“Shall we go?” Zayn softly pinches my hand before releasing it.

“Yes.” I sigh. I swallow, feeling so anxious and tired. But nowadays feeling tired isn’t something special, I’m always exhausted. I’m exhausted because of everything that is going on with my mother (she still isn’t feeling better), Nialler, with Hazza and Zayn.

Quite often I just want everything to be as they were before. No problems, stress and guilt. It would be so much easier. But I realize that it would mean I have to miss this beautiful boy next to me and the amazing moments we share together. That would a shame, right? Yeah, totally.

“It’s going to be okay.” He says as he smiles at me.

Zayn takes his keys out of his pocket and opens the door.

We stand together in the hallway and I just want to run away. I want to run outside. The thing is, this is what I wanted. I wanted to meet his family. I wanted to be a part of his life. I still want that, but it also terrifies me. Mostly because I don’t think I belong.

Love & Hate and Friends & Lovers (Zouis/Larry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon